COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

We deserve this. Dammit

Nice to read about The Villages from Riverman.

Even when just posting a link, I can feel his hatred of them through the screen.

Oh yeah. My mother’s ultra-deplorable boyfriend hires illegal immigrants all the time for some basic work. Pays them cash at the end of the day and that’s that. Then he turns around and votes Trump.


That sounds like you’ve bought into the Reagan propaganda.

He was a horrible president who was the trump of his day, but people act like he was a normal R President.

I’m making a point about how both parties have drifted right in the last 40 years.

This is awesome.


I mean if that was an everyday practice in a country, it would be fantastic.

Wouldn’t work well in America. Dancing doctor would be the most dangerous occupation in America if this happened.

And Florida has 27,000 less deaths than NY so far so they have a lot of deaths to come in the next 4-6 weeks.

I don’t know anything about the aesthetics of making videos, but I think it’s better with the larger number. But I still think it might be better to keep the graph moving after the date call-out.

Also, I think things like Floriduh an DeSatanist seem a little… Juvenile? Unsophisticated? But if you’re going to call names, I think calling desantis evil is better than calling him dumb.



“This weekend.” 10:1 they push it back a week or two. No way they simply don’t air it.

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Do they even have to air it now? Sinclair got the national media talking about it and giving it lots of free publicity.

It says it in their tweet:

“After further review, we have decided to delay this episode’s airing.”

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Damn. And here I thought I was catching them trying to be clever.




That thumbnail is just temp for funz to avoid giving a spoiler of the idea. The video will be called something like COVID-19 Florida vs. New York: The Price Is wRONg DeSantis.

I’ve created a new version of the spot with a different ending where the graph moves the whole time. I have two versions of this. One is with the upper left box the entire time, and the other is with the large graphics with the box going away when he finishes his statement (Video 4). I’m not entirely sold on the concept of keeping the graph moving (the intent was to have the graph be like ‘at your marks’) but found a way that it probably has some impact to have it move. The person I run a lot of my creative ideas by liked Video 1 best (my preference as well). I’m also probably going to tweak the graph quite a bit to make it look better. The real version will probably be finished tomorrow when Florida officially passes New York.

Let me reiterate that I know nothing about the ‘standard/accepted/tested/scientific’ methods of putting a video together for impact, so certainly feel free to ignore me if I’m breaking all kinds of Film101 rules.

It’s good to have a bouncing board. It’s intended for people who don’t really think about this stuff to be impacted by it and how bad it looks. I think the average person likes large stuff even if it’s not aesthetically pleasing.

The idea is more to re-create the game show with a bit of gallows humor about what an a-hole that guy is. The ending line I used is a lot better than the first version, too. I’ll probably ultimately post two versions and see which one (if any) gets any notice. I’m convinced the ultimate version of this could go viral if it got in the right hands. It might ultimately get pulled for copyright, but I think it very much fits in satire so it might be safe.

Sinclair needs to be broken up ASAP. So evil and destructive. They’re a Facebook-level disaster.


Tut tut, child. I have been assured in the cancel culture thread that having the government interfere in their free speech is too dangerous. Why, it might lead to a horrible situation where a US government uses its power to suppress legitimate dissent. Can you imagine?