COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

The chubby build on NES Hockey could shoot the puck way harder than the skinny guy.


FOX Sports should use the crowds from either Pit Fighter or NES Pro Wrestling.

Thanks to RBI Baseball, I still say “dink” out loud when a sportsball takes an unexpected, important bounce.


Totally fine with this synopsis, although for many slightly-to-moderately overweight people there is no simple way of becoming thin. They’re fighting an uphill battle against their body.

However, I think it’s likely that for most obese people, they can make changes to their diet and lifestyle to moderate their weight.

I really don’t want to continue the derail, but I think the problem with “slightly” overweight people being stuck where they are, similarly to people that lost a lot of weight but can’t seem to manage the last 15-20lb, is the same: They just butt up against their own hunger levels and the average serving sizes of stuff that makes it extraordinarily annoying to cut out those last few hundred calories. CI/CO is still a thing, your metabolism isn’t gonna magically adjust to make you hold onto your last 15lb of fat forever or something.

Round Tony Armas off the bench was my secret weapon.

I, for one, am shocked to see a fox media company selling an alternate reality.


Florida 171 deaths today, a new high.

How many more when you add in non-residents?

My pulse-ox is typically 93-94 according to my inexpensive meter. I don’t expect it’s particularly accurate though. The pulse measurement is often high by quite a bit and I assume that’s a variable in calculating the oxygen number. I feel fine most of the time and I’m able to exercise and ride my bike ok. Not planning to head to the ER any time soon on that bit of info.

I feel like the mods are leaving this derail in place to teach us all a lesson.


A+ title change


Wut? Can anyone get this?

We got a relatively inexpensive one on amazon and both my wife and I have always been between 97-99. I actually have no idea how they work - I assume it’s something to do with the light?

I’m not sure if it’s available everywhere.

I’m not saying you’re wrong but think about the sea of dissonance we are all swimming in.

How many times is the entire south denigrated by progressives and obesity is a huge part of it.

I’m usually 97-99 on the same device that my dad’s using.

Him: “If I breath hard I can get it into the 90s, if I breath normal it falls into the 80s.” He says its been as low as 84. And the range is ~3 points lower than it was last night. And he says he just started feeling sick yesterday afternoon., but sadly I don’t know if I can believe him on that or not.

Anyway, his doctor is seeing him today. I didn’t think any doctors were seeing patients with covid symptoms outside of hospitals, but I guess I was wrong.

The longer it goes on the more ice cream I eat to feel good again. Therefore it is @clovis8 's fault that I’m fat.


Not trying to cause panic or anything, but everything I’ve read about covid makes me think this is EXTREMELY dangerous. Like, he may need to be on a vent ASAP. I remember reading stories a few months back where nurses claimed they had patients who largely felt fine but had low pulse ox numbers and the patient was dead within a few days.

You really need to impress on your dad that this is an immediate threat to his life, regardless of what his drug slinging doctor may say.

ETA: I’m realizing this may sound harsh. Obviously this is a very difficult situation for you and I’m sure your dad too, and however you handle it is your business. But man, this is just not a situation where I’d trust my general practitioner to gauge it.


Omg, I’m still getting bits of the story via text. But the fucking doctor didn’t even check his O2. And my dad told him what it had been measuring. He did get tested, and will have results in 24-48 hours.