COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Gimme a Bitch… Bitch!

I got your bitch, I got your bitch.

(shoutout to anyone who grew up with a cheerleader sister)

My daughter was in Pre-K this past year (although upstate, not in the city). In march when they closed they didn’t try remote learning, they just once a week emailed parent with ideas for education activities. It was useless. On the other hand, remote learning for Pre-K is similarly useless.

S&P down 1 percent. DJIA is for noobs.

Yeah Cuomo is talking about the 7-day moving average on “infection rate” (% of positive tests) being <5% in order to be eligible to open, and a mandatory shutdown of all schools in a region if their 7-day average positive rate ever climbs above 9%.

This is just the mandate that allows schools to open, per the individual district-by-district re-opening plans that have had to be submitted and approved by the state. Schools can choose to open with appropriate restrictions (social distancing, capacity limitations, etc.) in the “Phase 4” regions (which should be pretty much everywhere within the next 2 weeks, including NYC), but can go full distance modalities at the school’s discretion.

All data here:

Well that was short lived. One of her teachers tested positive today so she’s back home.


You mean they start from the position of “nobody takes away muh guns” and then try to find solutions from there.

WaPo called out the robinhood bubble this morning. I guess the insane meme stocks had one last massive hit on the crack pipe, then crashed midday.

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Quest stock up 2% today of course. Was up 5% at one point though, maybe that’s when this news came in.

Somebody remind Democrats they have to agree to the next round of stimulus and have massive leverage



Spending time indoors with others sharing a/c etc is a recipe for disaster. Even with smaller class sizes or spending a good amount of time outside, if they are spending even an hour or two inside each day then it’d be bad.

Capital gains tax holiday seems dubious if they want to prop up stonks or am I missing something? It also just seems like a terrible idea anyway.

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There isn’t even a theoretical justification for a capital gains tax holiday, its a straight smash and grab job. Even Nancy won’t even consider it, I assume.


It’s not even about propping up STONKS. It’s an excuse for them and their donors to cash out and not pay taxes. The end.


Yep, capital gains tax holiday means they see the writing on the wall and know the crash is coming and they are trying to get out every last cent


In the future, we need to frame a wealth tax as a form of reparations.


Does this capital gains holiday have a chance of passing any time soon? If it’s almost a certainty to pass I think I’m going to move to a 40:60 AA.

Are restaurants/bars already closed or is he fucking insane?

Indoor dining is closed in all of those counties as of today (at the latest)

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A two-person order for about 20 meals’ worth of fried chicken at 1:30AM on Friday raised suspicions among a group of ambulance workers who happened to be visiting the store at the time. They notified police, who followed the car to a nearby townhouse and discovered a number of people hiding under beds, in the garage, and out in the backyard.

A total of 16 fines for breaching coronavirus restrictions were issued at the one party.

"That is absolutely ridiculous that type of behaviour, and it’s a very expensive night,” said Victorian police commissioner Shane Patton. “That’s $26,000 that birthday party is costing them. That’s a heck of a birthday party to recall and they’ll remember that one for a long time.”