COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

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So I assume it’s a lock that the extra unemployment gets extended beyond the end of July?

It would be monstrously fucked up if they shut down peoples ability to work two weeks before they also decided to not pay them.

You sweet summer child


My aunt lives in a retirement complex in Florida - they’ve had the place buttoned up pretty tightly since March and as far as she knows (and she’s a busybody, so I think she’d know) there weren’t any cases. She told me yesterday that two of the staff have tested positive in the last week, so I guess they’d better buckle up.

It does sound like they’re doing about everything correct - masks on everyone unless they’re in their personal apartments, no visitors, they try to limit people from leaving as best they can, they’re constantly taking temperatures and any resident that wants a test can get one (seriously, though I don’t know about the turnaround time as my aunt has refused - she actually hates Trump with a visceral energy that would shame most people here, but I also don’t think she cares too much if she dies).

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I was going to guess that it had to do with counties not being far enough along in reopening to be able to shut these things down but Santa Clara just reopened today for this shit after getting denied originally on 7/2 then approved to reopen 7/4. Seems really dumb.

It’s so far from a lock. There’s also not enough time for anything to pass the house, Senate, and presidents desk before people start going hungry and getting evicted.

“We will try to make it targeted, we will try to incentivize not just work, although work is crucial, and going back to work. We want to incentivize investments, we want a pro-growth package.”

“We dont want to give people disincentives NOT to work”

So yeah, fuck ya’ll everyone who got fired over this. We are gonna pump money into Wall Street and STOOOONNNKKKSS while Joe Public can get fucked and figure out how to eat with no money.

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i know right?

“california wants to give money to democrats to not work in exchange for votes” - every republican in congress

that was easy

Reckon the US will try another half-arsed lockdown (quote Dr. Fauci ‘50%’ whilst other countries go to 95%)?

Or might restaurants, take-away, domestic flights, state / localized lockdowns, bars, zoos, gyms, cinemas, theatre houses, DIY stores, shopping malls, churches and Disney be required to close before getting R<1?

Cuomo says schools in New York state will open in regions that are in phase 4 of reopening and where 14-day average infection rate (I think he means positivity rate) is less than 5% as of August 1.

Schools will close if 7-day average infection rate gets above 9%.

These thresholds seem odd to me. But unclear what opening means anyway. Students in New York City schools have the option of remote learning, and that is what my daughter will do. There is universal pre-K in NYC, and my son would have been starting that this fall. But we are just going to keep him home now. Not sure what type of remote options will be available for pre-K or if they will even be effective for young kids.

At some point will we as a nation realize that county n states juggling closings, ordinances and all the other BS isn’t going to work unless it’s done nationwide as a whole? We will be at this for ten years playing whack a mole.

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You think it may not get extended?

There is a rather large difference between paying folks money to not work in order to save lives versus not paying them and not letting them work. States wouldn’t be able to close.

I am not sure what to do there to reframe the discussion with deplorables. It isn’t a point of disagreement on HOW to best help people. It’s a disagreement on whether helping people actually helps/hurts them.

One of the fundamental premises in conservative ideology is that helping people makes them dependent on that help. You have to teach them the right way to live but otherwise turn them loose. Either they’re ready and moral/prosperous or they deserved to fail.

Progressives see this catastrophe as justification why we need social safety nets. Look at how much people are suffering through no fault of their own.

But conservatives see this catastrophe as the greatest possible jobs creator since the Great Depression. Getting evicted may be what motivates that lazy person to finally embrace free market magic and become the next Steve Apple.


You know who runs the senate right?

There is 0 chance that they extend unemployment assistance any further than standard state unemployment.

None. Everyone who is unemployed in the country is about to get 2400 less per month than they did the last three months.

Its going to cause immense complications, and ole Turtle fucker couldn’t give a shit.

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The president has publicly supported provisions like a payroll tax holiday, “modest” return to work bonuses, unemployment reform, a Paycheck Protection Program extension, targeted direct assistance and a capital gains tax holiday, Kudlow said.

capital gains tax holiday
capital gains tax holiday
capital gains tax holiday
capital gains tax holiday
capital gains tax holiday
capital gains tax holiday

(Just imagine that has rainbow text)


It isn’t zero, lol.

But the fact that it isn’t 100% at this specific moment in time is beyond disgraceful and not at all shocking.


That WH list is worst case for me.

I was laid off due to the pandemic in April and had been bringing home over 8500/month after paying taxes/401k/healthcare/etc.

With unemployment+cares I’m getting 965/week or a little under 4k.

If they let it lapse in July and do things like payroll tax break (only helps those employed) then I’m screwed. 365/week from the state doesn’t do much for us.


What happened to Stonks today? I thought we were nearing +500 and ended up +10?

Was that after the LA and SD county schools announcement?

We got exceptions, bro, because everything in Santa Clara county is fine, nothing to see here.