COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


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(Coronavirus likes this)


That’s a lot of moisture. If he’s got the 19 he is infecting anybody maskless nearby for sure.

I have a hard time imagining a scenerio when this ends anytime soon when 35% of the country thinks Bill Gates is going to implant microchips in us if we take the vaccine.


At least he learned after Tulsa to not hold that shit indoors. But still good god at that.

Yeah we have fans at an NFL game right now, bars reopening in one of the hardest hit states, we had 250K people in Sturgis, Trump’s holding rallies, like a third of the country is anti-vaxx, Trump is POTUS for at least 4+ more months…


My students are learning about environmental pressures on genetic adaptation. Normally I talk about how dumbass headlight-staring deer are getting gradually weeded out of the gene pool. I should just show them Simplicitus’ picture instead. Would save me a lot of words.


To be clear, you mean simp’s picture of the Trump rally, right? Not a picture of simp staring into the headlights?

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Hahaha. Yea. The Trump rally.

I should really take the time to use multiquotes.


Optimistic post of the week

Lol May

Unless you think Trump wins and makes things open as part of his dictatorship, in which case pessimistic post of the week

Yeah, I’m much more worried about idiots not getting vaccinated than an effective vaccine not being developed.

Well, I’m getting vaccinated and I think lotta anti-vaxxers will rethink their positions when the time comes. While there are, in fact, atheists in foxholes, there are precious few anti-vaxxers in a pandemic once a vaccine becomes available.

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You think? We already have measles outbreaks because morons won’t vaccinate their kids, add on the Qanon 5G conspiracy idiots pumping their Facebook feeds full of propaganda about Bill Gates giving them microchips and I don’t see how we get enough of these idiots vaccinated.

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I think a lot of people are like me…strongly pro-vaxx and can’t believe anti-vaxx is even a thing, yet am not getting the first ever mRNA vaccine by May…gonna give it some time first

However, I will also forgo free refills at restaurants until I get the vaccine so I’m not affecting others much either.


I’m less confident than simp, but he raises a good point. There’s a big difference between being anti-vaxx in a society that has herd immunity from all the other vaccinations for something like measles than in an active pandemic. Some will rate longer than others to come around, though.

Sure but poll Americans on this and how many will actually know it?

Most of whom probably have smart phones.

The irony is anti-vaxxers could cause people to have to get micro-chipped to quickly prove vaccination status to get into events.

Yeah my standard is seeing phase 3 finish and/or countries I trust saying it’s safe. If South Korea, Japan, Canada, Germany, etc are administering a certain vaccine, I feel safe with it.

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If Obama, Biden, or even Mitt fucking Romney were president I would be early in line for a COVID vaccine. Staying far back from a vaccine if Trump is president.


I get this but my risk profile is so different and I can’t control it. I was trying to get in a study but no dice

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Things you don’t want to hear from your students during a pandemic:

“SUB, I didn’t bring my book to class because it’s at my father’s place and he has a lung problem.”

Made sure to keep my distance after that.