COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Yep, goodbye Memphis, St Louis, Little Rock and Nashville if that thing ever goes nuclear


In grade school we had drills to prepare for an earthquake. I think there was some predictions for one in the mid 90’s.

DUCK AND COVER! Needs to be the response to the next Trump LAW AND ORDER tweet

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Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis probably get hurt badly, as well.

Any city along the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers might be fucked for a long time if it radically alters the river system.

As for the plague, eh. Happens every year, media is just hyping them because of the 2020 shitshow. When we got stationed in New Mexico, our inprocessing briefing included a section about health risks specific to the region, plague and hantavirus were two notable bullets on that slide.

Coins: one of our local grocery stores is actually sorting them for no fee if you bring them to the register.

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Unless you’re retiring, Western countries accepting US citizens who fancy a move can be counted on one hand. South America - maybe. Africa? Canada? If you’re of working age, aren’t you still paying taxes to Uncle Sam (unless you renonuce citizenship too) whilst paying local taxes too, in countries that might accept a US citizen? (travel visa is different from living visa)

I’m a little late here, but feel free to put stuff along this line in the “Things to do while on lockdown for coronavirus” thread.

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Outbreak across US in graphics

As we told you earlier, infections have risen rapidly in about 40 of America’s 50 states over the last two weeks, according to an analysis by Reuters news agency.

Southern states like Florida and Texas in particular have become the new epicentres of the outbreak - as the graphic below shows.

The US has the world’s highest numbers of confirmed cases and deaths - there are currently more than 3.3 million reported infections and over 135,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Next 5 days death stats won’t be pretty…

The key is to die or GTFO before some brutal Stasi-dictator gets a hold of all this information.

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Yeah but it’s just a bunch of dumbasses in the Missouri boot heel. Seriously those people are the basket case of Missouri.

Ok well that might be a problem.

That’s basically Ark Kansas.

I’m from the bootheel. I’m not joking when I say it’s the worst place in the US and gets worse and worse each yearly visit I make.

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I read tweets like these and can’t help but think of how easy it is to sell anyone any belief they have now. Thanks Mark Zuckerberg. Oh you happen to watch something on television that raises doubt about vaccines, so you google it and the first thing you find is like a conspiracy youtube channel that is a front for advertising crushed deer antler pills to prevent autism and you roll with it and then reject all evidence to the contrary because reasons.

Oh you think masks are stupid? Well we got a TV show for that brought to you by the mypillow guy and his from crack addict to CEO book coming up next!


That just looked at who was the first case for a household in a small sample size in Switzerland.

Of course the adults are usually the first case when kids are home and don’t go out nearly as much as adults.

But when kids are in school, they are the index case for every other contagious disease like flu and cold etc every school year.

Example number 1883838383828282966 of a conservative not giving a shit about anything until it directly impacts them.

Mick said back in February the virus was a hoax. But now all of a sudden the virus is a problem when his daughter can’t get tested. Go fuck yourself Mick.


I think the joke was that many of the people worried about a cashless society already DGAF about privacy in any other aspect of their lives. The same libertarian bros who claim to be about small government but want Trump to drone strike antifa and BLM protestors. Their only concern with a cashless society is that they won’t be able to hide income from the tax man.

I don’t want a cashless society either, but I actually value privacy, and to the extent that I don’t, I at least value the option of it.

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That doesn’t work either.

If the total is $27.27 then either the customer pays $27, in which case Kroger is giving the cash customer 27 cents, or they pay $28, in which case the customer is overpaying.

If the customer overpays, you either give them change (right away but lolcoinshortage or via a credit for next time) or you donate it to charity.

We don’t do delays to buy time for preparation in America. We do them to just kick the can down the road a few weeks.

Yeah the slow testing is really really really bad. They are making people live with the anxiety of ‘do I have it or not’ for 5-7 days. And of course during those 5-7 days they suddenly have all sorts of interest and focus for what’s going on… yeah it’s really dumb politically. It’s a really unpleasant experience waiting for results. I’ve never had a colonoscopy but I’m 100% certain I’d rather get one than wait for 5 days for my wife’s COVID results (which were functionally mine) again. Like I’d snap take the trade now without ever having gotten a colonoscopy.

That’s what’s gone and cracked Mick lol. That’s happening all over the place. Look at the testing numbers, that’s a LOT of people having a first hand COVID experience.

I took a test on Thursday July 2nd and still do not have results. It was through CVS. I called to figure out what the deal was and got put on endless hold and eventually gave up. What is the point now anyways?