Obviously, that doesn’t sound great. But at least she didn’t die after the second one. If death after a first recovery was even somewhat common, then I’d be actively shitting myself.



More potential shenanigans.


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I had wondered why Australia was pushing for an investigation in China given how risky it is to antagonise them, this makes sense:

Last month, Australia called for an international inquiry into the disease’s origins. “Australia’s goal was to defuse conspiracy theories in both China and America,” says Michael Fullilove, head of the Lowy Institute, Australia’s largest [NB: centre-right, neoliberal] think-tank.

Days later, Australia’s Daily Telegraph, a tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch, ran an apparent scoop that the “five eyes” – the intelligence agencies of the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand – had concluded the disease came from the Wuhan lab, whether by accident or design. It appears the story had no substance. Fauci and other scientists say the pathogen almost certainly came from a wet market in Wuhan. No “five eyes” dossier existed. According to a five eyes senior intelligence officer and a figure close to Australia’s government, the Daily Telegraph story probably came from the US embassy in Canberra. There was no chance after its publication that Beijing would agree to an international probe.

The report damaged Australia’s hopes of defusing US-China tensions. “We used to think of America as the world’s leading power, not as the epicentre of disease,” says Fullilove, who is an ardent pro-American. “We increasingly feel caught between a reckless China and a feckless America that no longer seems to care about its allies.”

Not much fun to be a small country attempting to maintain good relations with two world powers both run by psychopaths.


Oh and as ever, pretty cool how Murdoch media will just print US propaganda as news whenever they want. Murdoch seems like a stone cold lock for worst Australian of all time.


In Germany they tracked down patient zero and everyone in the first cluster. One of them tested negative twice (with a test they still consider generally reliable) despite already having had symptoms and later being confirmed positive.

Acquired immunity isn’t necessarily a binary thing. It’s quite possible you can build up an antibody response but still get an illness on round two. I mean, we’ve all had the flu more than once. Overall, repeated exposure should increase your ability to fight it off.

I’ve definitely noticed this as well. Also, I know you can’t get sick from being out in the rain, but I swear that if I am out in the rain and get totally soaked, I get the sick pretty enough the next day.

Recording for posterity that this is back to sports weekend. UFC and the Bundesliga today, NASCAR tomorrow.

After running at 100 new hospitalizations for a few days in a row, Georgia had 350 new hospitalizations today. That could be a bad sign. Sundays usually don’t get reported well, so I’ll be watching Monday and Tuesday very closely.

Sometimes it’s just a data bump because they went back and tested old cases or reclassified something.

Or people were sick all week but still worked and waited til Saturday to go the the ER.


Seeking advice from the thread, and i’ll throw in an @ChrisV

I have a trip planned to go to Sydney, Australia from early July-early August. Flying out of Newark with a stop in Houston. Booked it at the very beginning of February FML. Going to visit a girl, and I have a strong motivation to go see her. What do you think my odds are of being allowed in/the possibility of the trip, and am I insane for even considering it? I can refund my flight up to two weeks before, and I have an AirBnB booked which I don’t know what the pandemic cancellation rules will be. If I have to eat the cost of that, so be it. Pretty nervous about running the gauntlet thru two American airports and sitting in an air recirculating metal tube for 20 hours. If this trip wasn’t just about me I would have cancelled weeks ago. I’m healthy and not old…Hazmat suit? My head is saying bail, heart is saying YOLO.

Fuck Jalfraz, he attacked jman over and over without provocation and even though his shit was way off base multiple times he never once even came close to admitting he was wrong. So fuck him and I don’t blame jman one bit for rubbing it in.


If it’s any consolation, it’s not much fun to be an American right now either.

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The borders are closed, you won’t be allowed in. Nobody but citizens, residents and immediate family members can enter Australia and even those have a mandatory 14-day quarantine. I rate the chances of the borders being opened before July/August at a definite “nope”, raising to “LOL nope nope nope” when adding the information that you’re coming from America. July/August 2021 is probably an underdog. Sorry.


Yeah, coming to the realization that i need to stop denying reality. Tilted by the fact that they haven’t just cancelled my flight, and in fact they slightly changed my itinerary 2 weeks ago, giving me hope of entry. Thanks


I don’t blame either of them for the start of it, it is what it is and that’s not for this thread, I finally said something because we’ll Jman just can’t seem to let it go, Jalfrazi did at one point alough rather well worded walked away.

As you may have missed when Jalfrazi came by as it seems to be, I also posted this…

I call most people here bro, it’s not to say I think ones in the right or wrong here…

I’ll step away now, carry on. :v:

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When I’m ready to start my trip up again we’ll have to pretend like we’re engaged to me gay married or something so I can get into AUS.

We’ll work out the details later.

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