I couldn’t get through the Elon episode. Thought about watching Dr Rhonda Patrick but my brother told me they spent a half hour talking about injecting Vitamin C and having a sauna at home.

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Are we getting more Donny Dollars? Heard the Dems want another $1200 to go out.

That depends on whether the Ds are willing to throw another trillion or two to corporations. So probably not.

We are no longer really doing anything proactively to control the spread. It is all just praying people social distance and wear masks.

Anything government can do to help is not even being considered.

I had been skipping most of them. I had one a little while back that turned me off. I suspect his complaints about California would expose more of his ignorance and seal it off for good.

We need 200,000 Covid trackers. Uncle Sam wants you!

Although tracking seems pointless when we will never have testing.

The course is free and six hours. I think some of us might be interested in taking it just for the education.

I’m simultaneously seeing these arguments from the right wing morons I have yet to block on sm.

1)New York keeps revising their numbers down! See that proves that this is an overblown libtard hoax to destroy the economy!
2)The leftists are doing everything in their power to inflate the numbers to hurt Trump!

Literally in the same post. The stupidity is painful.

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give all “we are all gonna get it anyways” people the smallest dose possible to infect them and put some spray paint on their head that lasts 3 weeks. One step closer to herd immunity and they can go to gym 24/7.

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So anyway about a month ago I posted that maybe carpet-bombing cities with disinfectant from the air was a bad idea and then @jalfrezi aidsplained that of course it was a good idea doncha know, and it was stupid to even suggest it. Anyway, maybe turns out it was stupid after all:

[/quote]Don’t spray disinfectants to kill coronavirus, WHO advises

From CNN’s Maggie Fox

Spraying disinfectants outside or across broad spaces indoors to try to kill coronavirus can do more harm than good, the World Health Organization advised Saturday.[/quote]

5 sailors on the USS Roosevelt appear to have contracted it for a second time, so not sure how that whole herd immunity thing is going to work out.

Edit: Could be relapses weeks after testing negative I supposed, but 5 out of however many hundred they had the first time seems like an awfully high percentage to be relapses.

I think the whole “flatten the curve” narrative that we put into everyone’s mind was a mistake/poorly done in hindsight. Way too many people don’t understand stats or are doing mental gymnastics to think that once the curve is flat, the virus is taken care of. “The curve is flat, we squashed it. Flat line = zero.”


13 sailors now who had it the previous outbreak on the Roosevelt now testing positive again. Sure not looking good on long-lasting immunity…

Also, they’re not just testing positive, they have influenza-like symptoms again.


And there’s also the slightly smarter version which is, “the area under both curves is ultimately the same, which means the same amount of people are going to get it. We were only ‘flattening’ to protect hospital capacity, so, as long as the hospitals aren’t overrun, we should just let 'er rip and get it over with.”


Anyway, to further go down this rabbit-hole, 538 has a neat little simulator that lets you play with R0, CFR, and how long immunity lasts to calculate population fatality over a period of time if we’re trying for herd immunity. If COVID really only results in a few weeks of immunity and then you’re susceptible again, and assuming a CFR of 1.5 percent and an R0 of 3… after three years 25 percent of the global population is dead.

Source: Without A Vaccine, Herd Immunity Won’t Save Us | FiveThirtyEight

So basically the flu?


Definitely not as serious as malaria.

Stop it, it’s childish…

Say what?

A tale of Corona. My SO went to get an oil change with contactless service. Don’t even get out of the car! How convenient.

She had to briefly exchange words with the tech by rolling down her window, but he was wearing a mask and standing more than six feet away. Honestly impressive, right up until he yells loud enough to be heard through the distance and his mask that the COVID is actually a hoax started by Bill Gates to implant us all with tracking chips.

I wish I was joking.


Yeah, but he was wearing a mask and social distancing… So he’s not super confident in his conspiracy theory.