I actually like wearing a mask since it hides my ugly face and I don’t have to shave as often.

But I work in a warehouse with no AC so it’s going to be impossible to keep doing the warmer it gets.

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Pretty convinced density is bad. People staying home when they are told or asked to is good.

Subways stayed open way too long in NYC.

Austria has opened their border to the Czech Republic with random covid19 checks. However, CR has not reciprocated yet (they supposedly will next week). They did loosen border restrictions with Poland though.

Looks like public transport will resume in full starting the end of the month here.

Smartwings, a family of airlines based in the Czech Republic, may be bought out by the government. It’ll be interesting to find out what will happen at the end of June with this.

I’m curious to see how restaurants and pubs will look when they open on the 25th. I can’t imagine them returning to exactly the way they were before the virus.

In the middle of March the MSM was strongly pushing “flatten the curve so we don’t overrun the healthcare system.”

Since we basically missed the chance here in the States for containment with testing and tracing, all we really have at this point is a delicate balancing act between the need to try to minimize ongoing outbreaks and the need to allow the 99% who won’t die a way to resume a normalish life.

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My Local firestation found 6 cases of Covid-19 :angry:

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Up in the non-NYC part of New York (Rochester area), I ventured out to play 9 holes of golf. Cashless transaction online with no need to interact with anyone.

Place was fully booked and you wouldn’t have known it wasn’t May 2019.

Able to maintain distance easily on the course, but sad to say I was the only person I saw wearing a mask (wore it in the parking lot and on the first tee box).

Not sure how I feel about it tbh.

Density is obviously bad. Which deplorables are happy to point out because lol blue cities but when you point out that Seoul has only had 200 something deaths it’s suddenly “you can’t compare the US to Korea” which is kinda true, it’s not fair to compare because they like, actually have a plan.


Yeah, the article does mention that LA is worse and the Bay is better, but it completely understates the magnitude of the discrepancy. Santa Clara county, where we first detected community spread:

Crushing it. We haven’t had a day with more than 50 new cases in over a month. Almost 2 million people in the county. And that’s backed up by a sub-5% positive test rate. People are getting tests, and we’re just not finding the virus.

LA county: 36000 cases, 1700 deaths, 10 million people.

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If any place at this point is most likely to go full NYC it has to be LA.



Just want to reaffirm these reports from other countries are appreciated.


Thanks for sharing the story. I think the swabs are basically worthless when they are all potentially compromised for contamination. You would have to burn other tests just to confirm the results of these questionable swabs.

They might as well light them on fire.

And they are losing Joe Rogan!


You can call me a conspiracy theorist, but this is so egregious that it is absolutely absurd to claim it’s incompetence. The messaging is: we have tons of testing and PPE and the virus is going away everything is great. Meanwhile, they’re just looking the other way and letting it spread through airports to the entire country.

Like, if you wanted herd immunity with plausible deniability, this would be damn near optimal.

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Last few episodes of JRE have been unwatchable. Such a whiner.

Ran errands today. Coining a new term.

Nosehole or Noseholes.

Someone with a mask on with their nose sticking out.

What do we think? I can’t be the first?


Don’t understand this demo. It seems to be roughly 10% of everyone.
