Fun Fact: You don’t need to be an attorney or admitted to any bar to sit on the US Supreme Court.

I’m a little fuzzy on the details, but I think there are like 3 roads going across the desolate borders of his state. Or something like that. Just set up a few road blocks, prevent air travel, lock down ports, and you’re done. Maybe ATVs and small boats get in, but that’s about it.

Well that’s an unexpected plot twist.

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I’ve heard that one before. What I don’t know is if same is true for the lower circuit courts. Is it?

IIRC there are no explicit requirements whatsoever. You don’t even have to be a US citizen to be a SCOTUS justice, in theory.

More than 43 million people in west Africa are likely to be in urgent need of food assistance in the coming months – double the initial estimates – as the Covid-19 outbreak accelerates, the World Food Programme has said.

Food insecurity could also double this year to affect 265 million people across the continent; west Africa, where the outbreak of the virus is most severe, is of increasing concern.

The region faces the three-pronged threat of surging jihadi attacks across the Sahel and Lake Chad area, climate change harming vital food supply chains, and now the pandemic.


I don’t live in America, but my cleaning lady came by 2 weeks ago.

It never ceases to amaze me how inscrutable Irish English is to American ears. Like I know all of those words individually, but together it’s just pure gibberish.

That’s the best thing I’ve seen yet.

My Irish cousins are country bumpkins and are pretty much incoherent to me. Took a week before I could follow a conversation with them.

Sorta the same talking to drunk people in Scotland. Sometimes you really have to take time to process the information delivered like you’re trying to comprehend a second language.

This is true even for me, like the time I got the guy asking to go to the Hilton, drove up to the Milton area before he said “What hotel is this”

The Milton is a rather rough area… :blush:


Seems like the police are woefully incompetent at enforcing stay-at-home and lockdown measures.

Here, you can get fined on-the-spot by police officers for not wearing a mask.

Hi @Marty did you here The Rangers are moving to Belfast?

What the hell is an Application, what does lodged mean in this context, and wtf is Twelfth period?]

Oh wait, does Application just mean application? I thought it was a weird word for some kind of social club. Why would you “lodge” one application for 3 parades? Wouldn’t that be three applications? Who lodged this single application for 3 low key parades?

They got an offer from a Japanese car manufacturer and decided to make to move, changing names too… New name will be

The Red Honda Ulster.


Lol you’re just making up gibberish words like fenians to mess with me now right?


It’s basically a bunch of colonialist dipshits who parade through Irish Catholic neighborhoods as a deliberate way of saying “fuck you.”


Wait so the application is actually a group of people and not an application for a parade?

Haha ok I just looked on Facebook for the first time in a while and this derpy deplorable I went to high school with who a few weeks ago was screeching about the Democrats obstructing the relief package because of the green new deal or whatever, and he has had some great updates since then. Multiple “watch this!” link sharing to now deleted content, “I’m just going to leave this here, time to wake up people” plandemic post, governor newsom is instituting a police state link, multiple links crying about OC beach closures, and finally a video he shot himself driving through Huntington Beach protests filming people all to the song “fortunate son” by CCR. LOL that isn the biggest self own I’ve ever seen in my life. yeah sure fortunate son is the official song of the protests, but not in the way you think!


This is not good advice, at least not for most circumstances. There are three use cases for slides:

  • Present inherently visual information like a graph or a calculation that can’t be adequately explained in words.
  • Use as advance material or a takeaway.
  • Reorient listeners who stopped paying attention for a bit.

The anti-use case for slides is to use them as a speaker’s outline or (much worse) a script. The real cardinal rule is that you should never, ever read a single word from a slide while speaking.

If you’re not actually using your slides for anything other than a backdrop, then it doesn’t really matter what they say as long as they look attractive, because you aren’t using them. If you are, then information-heavy slides are often good, provided they’re well-designed (text not too small, big chunks of text adequately broken up, etc.).

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