When I first read the do you shake your hairstylist hand I thought lol no, how dumb. Then was chatting with my girlfriend and I’m pretty sure the real answer is that I do nearly every time. It’s so second nature.

I do whatever the person with scissors to my head wants me to do.


Ha, I was just going to post that I kiss my hairdresser twice every visit. (Live in France, it’s normal, honest.)


I’m all for experiencing different cultures, but I don’t think I could ever do that kiss kiss thing. I’d rather join the Mawe and put my hand in one of those bullet ant gloves.


Sometimes its kiss kiss kiss and I have no idea what the rules are.

Hopefully that and the hand shaking nonsense are history now.


Giving each other a thumbs up should be the new greeting norm.

Or even better, a quizzical raise of a single eyebrow.

thumbs up on


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I always mentor people about the 10 second rule on presentation slides.

If it takes more than 10 seconds to understand, it’s no good.

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Every fucking time, I swëar.


I think I would have said that before moving here, but it’s not that bad. The funniest / most awkward thing is meeting a fellow Brit for the first time and having a moment where you wonder whether to do it or not, and see them doing similar.

What if I just write out a paragraph and read it off the slide?


People are so bad at designing presentations which is Inexcusable given it takes 5 min of googling. Easy rule of thumb I use is if your slide has more than 25 words on it or less than 50% blank space it’s too complex.

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Bring back the Full Rimmer, imo.



That’s what I’ve always tried to get away with anyway. Who wants someone else’s bogey and spittle smeared hand on yours?

One time coworkers and I went to Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles and Mike Tyson was sitting at a table we walked by. A coworker gave Mike the most casual head nod possible, as if they knew each other. Mike just nodded back in the same fashion, and that was it.


Translation: Accurate tests have revealed that every twentieth person in the Czech Republic already had coronavirus

2,000 people were tested for covid19 antibodies in South Bohemia and preliminary results show that at least one of every 20 people in South Bohemia have already had the virus.

When that number is extrapolated and applied to the population of South Bohemia, that’s 32,106 people who have already been infected there.

Thing is that only 181 people in South Bohemia have tested positive for covid19. That means that 99.5% of people who have the antibodies for covid19 were either asymptomatic or had symptoms so mild that it didn’t warrant a trip to the hospital in their minds.

The final report hasn’t been published yet. So, they may have some observations that differ from mine. But the idea that the number of people who have had it could be 200 times larger than reported would show that it’s extremely contagious but also not as deadly as we think.

The basic rule of thumb is that if it’s on a slide it probably isn’t worth paying attention to.


Man that place is so good. Why can’t there be something like that here!

Sort of true honestly. I use slides just to anchor the talk. They normally don’t have any relevant information. I’d guess 90% of them could be ignored and you wouldn’t miss anything from my presentations.

The best public speaker in our firm did a great presentation once with blank slides - he just wrote a topic in the title section of the slide and spoke about it for 5 minutes. Then he’d click to the next slide with the next concept in the title, blank slide, talk about that for 5 minutes. He did this for about 6 or 7 slides then finished by reiterating the key points and the flow of his argument across the 7 slides and took questions.