The bagel shop I meet my mom at for breakfast weekly has a “only 5 customers inside the store maximum” and an extra “5 people total not 5 groups” sign on the window and seriously every single time I go to walk in there is 6-8 people inside, and I’ll be inside and the line will dwindle and yet 4 people will walk in behind me at once, or 3 people will come in the exit only door in front of the register where i’m standing wondering where there order is. Today I was waiting out at the door until enough people left, and I’m about to go in when a guy cuts in front of me and walks straight in to join his friend already waiting inside the restaurant and stands right next to him the entire time instead of on the 6 feet marking. Like we’re not at a baseball game ordering beers and you can catch up to your friend in line after using the bathroom, there is a fucking pandemic going on. Like I didn’t even want to point out how fucking stupid this guy is because then I’d be the asshole so I just let it go so I could be smug posting about it here later thank you very much.

Oh ya also they’ve positioned all the tables and chairs into as tight a space as possible and there is absolutely no room to get out of the way of anyone when all of this happens. Sorry dude you ordered and now you’re waiting to pay, well 5 people are about to crowd around you.


Analysis: Spin in the age of pandemic

Tara McKelvey,
BBC News, Washington

It was a tough week for the White House.

The number of cases has shot up in Florida, Texas, Mississippi and other states where governors have tried to reinforce President Trump’s message that the nation’s returning to normal.

The spike in cases has alarmed many people, and Vice President Mike Pence expressed his condolences to those who lost loved ones. Then he tried to put on a gloss on the situation.

White House officials have much to be proud of, he said, explaining that they have made “remarkable progress” in moving the country forward: “We slowed the spread, we flattened the curve, we saved lives.”

His self-congratulatory tone was surprising, given the dire news, and his effort to put a positive spin on things seemed jarring.

One thing was clear, however: Pence has had a tough job from the start, trying to support the president’s controversial positions.

Pence’s performance on Friday was an especially difficult – and unconvincing - one.

Meh, that’s not what the article actually says. There’s an old law in NC against wearing face masks that was targeted against the KKK. Legislators have yet to agree on the wording of a new law.

Unless I misunderstood the article, this seems like a very misleading way to word it.

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RE: Disneyland

A year or so ago they got rid of the wench auction in Pirates of the Caribbean. Now it’s a female pirate and I think a chicken auction.

I’m not sure if they changed anything in It’s a Small World, but it’s still got plenty of cringy stuff. Nice cool respite on a hot day tho, so.

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Law banning mask wearing, somehow not tyranny

Remember when the LOLIMHE model was predicting 60k deaths by August? Gjge.


Yea basically masks are illegal in NC because of the KKK. They made an exception when the virus hit. It ends on July 31st. So on August 1st, masks are illegal again.

They’ll fix it but I’m sure there will be shenanigans with the GOP.

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If anyone wants bad news, it’s looking more more and more like true aerosol spread is happening.

No it would be an important public service


That was only a year ago? I thought for sure its been decades since they had the dude chasing the wench

Lol, yeah. I assume he has a google alert for news about The Villages and instantly transforms into jack-nicholson-nodding.gif whenever he gets an update.


The top guy from IHME was on CNN yesterday projecting 180K by the end of October or something stupid like that, which we’re obviously going to blow by.

Maybe two years. Definitely not decades.

EDIT: Yup, two years:

Ah, apparently they removed the wench chasing in 1997. The auction lasted until 2018 lol.

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“it’s only been like 10 years since the first movie” I actually caught myself thinking…



Fucking hell this got me good. Wish I had more likes to give.

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Lol, ok I was thinking the wench chase. Totally forgot about the bride auction


World meters down for anyone else?

And now instead of being objectified by the pirates, the redhead is running the auction. Progress!

Not only are they empowering women, but the soulless as well!