I guess I’m an outlier but I’m completely uninterested in national numbers. You have 50 states and tons of regions within them all moving in different directions. The only thing that really matters is the ICU/vent situation in each region.

I’m actually optimistic for more stimulus right now. The more people suffer the more they’re gonna blame the government for allowing it. My feed today is full of deplorable anger at Ron DeSantis over this bar move. If masks become mandatory, and I think they will have to soon, they’re gonna lose their gat damn minds.

Of course, the Dems need a competent message and messenger, which they’ve yet to find.

I predict they’ll shift focus from DeSantis focus on the Florida health director soon. Much less cognitive dissonance to hate a health director than a R governor. Brain feel much better.

By any chance is that person a woman? If so she’s completely doomed.

The only way to save them is for DeSantis to never mention the health director, much less put them in front of a camera.

All non-essential shops shut
Essential workers to travel to work, otherwise work from home if at all possible
Companies affected by these rules allowed to apply for furlough (where government covers 80% of salary costs) to keep them going.

2m safe distancing (now 1m)
No meeting anyone outside your immediate family (now relaxed to allow groups of up to 6 I think)

It was fairly well observed from March 23rd when announced, but recently some definite signs of people losing patience.

The real problem was in taking so long to announce the lockdown, which could and should have happened weeks earlier. Our PM is callous and only concerned with shagging his latest squeeze.

National debt is now >100% of GDP but of course WE CANT AFFORD TO BORROW TO PAY FOR CORBYNS PROGRAMME


Isn’t Rich Lowery one of Mason’s idiot Online Poker Daily Action slapdick buddies from circa Black Friday?

Among the people I know it’s weirdly some of the most strict people who have gone absolutely yolo lately. One of my daughter’s friends wasn’t allowed outside for a couple months and now their family is among the least careful.

You realize the ICU/vent situation is partially a function of the new case numbers plus time right?

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Just check to make sure your dental dam is Covid compliant first

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Is anyone else tilted by the “opened too soon!” narrative?

It’s bullshit. It makes irresponsible ass republican governors sound like their only failure was errant timing.

It doesn’t matter if we waited another month or two months. Filling bars up with YOLO 20 year olds is not fucking possible with COVID-19 spreading around. When are we going to recognize that??


There was a woman in California who caught it, was hospitalized, recovered, tested negative twice, went home, caught it again, got sick, was hospitalized… Problem is we have no way of knowing for sure if that’s because they never really shook it the first time, or because they caught it a second time. These cases are extremely rare, but it’s also possible a lot of them are flying under the radar because the first or second case was mild enough to not result in testing.

But it’s also possible it’s what you posted. I think what’s most likely is that repeat infections are extremely rare but not impossible, while tests can pick up dead virus that cannot infect/transmit. Thing is, we just don’t know, and we won’t for awhile.

So you’ve got to weigh those risks in making this type of decision.

It’s the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation that made the official decision. But pretty much everyone has always equated that with the governor’s office. I could not tell you who runs DBPR.

We aren’t. Disney opens in two weeks bro.

We aren’t.

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My wife had a 50 something patient who was in the hospital in March with Covid and then came back in early May with severe lung failure and died while testing negative. Not a covid death!

Yup, Dan Patrick.

I remember his name cause its the same as the Sportscenter guy

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Stopped watching just before his most recent break. I can’t do it anymore. The absolute epitome of a Boomer snowflake who needs everything done specifically for him at all times. For a guy who did a show called Politically Incorrect and can’t go a week without complaining about how millennials and snowflakes are ruining HIS america, he sure does fucking whine a lot.


There’s a Santa Cruz in AZ?

Huh… Themoreyouknow.gif

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What a random coincidence!

Zero chance. They delayed Disneyland’s opening, and Orlando is about to become a fucking biohazard area. If they do open, they should just have people at the front gates injecting Covid directly into guests veins as they enter.


Not a chance this happens.

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