My father-in-law is still planning a Disneyland trip for June and refuses to believe they’ll enforce a mask wearing policy and is already out golfing with friends without wearing a mask.

Oh yeah - I guess the real defacto policy is “healthy youngs and stupid FoxNews-watching olds - go out and get herd immunity, everyone else stay home”.

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Maybe it’s one of those Monty Python splitters things, but it’s impossible for me to get upset about anything Inso0.

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I don’t get LA Times - they pissed me off too many times with billing shenanigans.

Does that mean beaches? And are they going to close the hiking trails again?

I get an email from the City of MB every day about COVID status and this is from yesterday

LA County Beaches Reopen for Limited Activities May 13 – Los Angeles County will reopen the beaches, including Manhattan Beach beginning Wednesday, May 13, with restrictions. The restrictions include limited active recreation with physical distancing and face coverings as a requirement. Active recreation includes walking, running, surfing, and swimming. Not permitted are chairs, canopies, coolers, grills, sunbathing, gatherings of any size, or organized recreational programming such as beach volleyball. Violators may be subject to fines and criminal prosecution. The Strand, Pier, bike path, and parking lots remain closed.

Aren’t virus articles outside the paywall?

Basically I guess they’re keeping the overall Safer at Home in place while easing some specific restrictions.

The update to L.A.'s stay-at-home orders comes as officials try to satisfy two needs: restarting the economy under a new normal while also ensuring that the resurgence in activity doesn’t upend progress in the fight against the coronavirus.

But how people can use the sand will look different. Face coverings will be required when not in the water, and sunbathing won’t be allowed. Only active recreation — surfing, running, walking and swimming — will be permitted. Coolers, chairs, umbrellas and any of the other accessories that typically dot the shoreline should be left at home.

I guess this is how things should work, but I really have no faith in peoples’ ability to embrace a new normal, where you can go to the beach, but not do the stuff you used to do at the beach.

It also seems like being surrounded by counties that just YOLO it up is really going to undermine LA County remaining essentially locked down.

As has been said, one of the biggest issues here and elsewhere is what’s going to happen with schools. Seems like everyone everywhere agrees that distance learning has been a huge fail. Maybe there’s a way to do it well, but we seem very far away from it. This is an enormous issue.

Not LA Times. Fuckers.

The thing is I want to support them. But they play so many games with jacking up rates. I blame vulture capitalists.

Out for a drive. Roads pretty busy. Why is Joann fabric parking lot packed with a line outside the store wrapping around the building? (Distancing is about 2-3 feet between people in line. Not 6)

You’re using your telephoto eyes again - that’s definitely 6 feet.

Wtf? Why is there a farmers market going on right now?

People are buying masks?

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They’re still open in LA with social distancing measures. Seems safer than the grocery store to me.

I peppered my friend who got covid, along with her roomie with benefits, with questions:

She thinks she got it on a “day of shopping” which included a very crowded Target store where the checkout line was 30 minutes (just WHY?), an empty Dollar General store and grabbing a slice at a pizza place. They also got takeout a few times around the same time.

Her first symptom was loss of taste and smell, which occurred about 7 days later - then descending into coughing and the other normal ones.

However, she did have “allergies” that week, but then they cleared up for a couple days before the lost of taste. I asked her if maybe the allergies could have actually been covid and she said yeah, maybe. The intermission where you feel fine for a couple days seems pretty common - and could be leading a lot of people to think their early mild symptoms were allergies or something else.

The roommate got symptoms a few days later and got whalloped. Says he saw his dead relatives one night. Supposedly he was asymptomatic before getting hit too, but I wasn’t able to press him on if he felt anything off at all in that week. She says he didn’t report anything and he was joking around being scared of her when she felt sick.

Another possible source of infection is the roomie “hugged” a friend in the street, then went to “play at a studio”. But that was two weeks before. They asked and the friend nor anyone at the studio got sick. So as dumb as that was, it seems unlikely as the source.

Weirdly she said the roommate is getting her symptoms in reverse. He just lost his sense of taste and smell after the worst of it was over.

I wonder if it could be something like the difference between her getting a small viral load that starts in the mucus membranes and eventually gets to the lungs, by say touching her face at target vs. him breathing in her droplets and it starting straight away in the lungs. I bet the order of symptoms has to mean something but we need smart people who actually know stuff.

Assuming the roommate isn’t out getting some strange, I guess a really crowded Target where you’re stuck in line for 30 minutes seems the most likely. Clearly these are not the most careful people - so I could totally see her getting it from touching a surface, touching her face, not bothering to wash her hands, etc.

Smoking is closer to attempted mass murder/suicide.

Illinois coming in hot today with over 4k new confirmed cases. Wow.

Yeah farmers markets are outside, few people, significant precautions. Would much rather go there than a grocery store.

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looks like i’m getting trained up and sent off on the front lines

USA/Canada are just geographically huge and spread out compared to Europe. If you live in the prairies or a flyover state, owning a car is essential.

It says they can’t open until there are no coronavirus deaths in county for two weeks. So I would get some nice slippers.