There are also creationists.


California becomes the second state ever to cross the 6,000 new case threshold today.

Given Arizona Texas and Florida I say LOL flu season. This fucker doesnā€™t give a shit. It doesnā€™t like the outdoors but otherwise it is GAME ON.

Itā€™s like this virus found the perfect balance. Large parts of the population feel immune from serious illness and become very effective spreaders. It spreads super fast but itā€™s morbidity is seriously lagged so that by the time it becomes obvious multiple infection cycles have occurred. Itā€™s long infectious period allows it to lurk and resurge with any lax Masking and SD. Plus it has these weird long term effects.

If it was deadlier or made a higher fraction really sick faster than all this covidiot Nonsense couldnā€™t take hold.

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Sex education
Postmodernism in the social sciences
Flat earthers


The only reason flu/pneumonia season matters is that the hospitals will be much fuller from Nov-Feb than they have been during this run of Covid.

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Yeah, I think a lot of us underestimate just how many people and to what extent they rely on singalong from government officials or whatever on how to behave.

Itā€™s even worse than simply being wrong and proud of it, though. They are wrong about things that make all our lives worse and aggressively pursue and defend ignorance that hurts everyone else, not just themselves.

If the UMBRELLAS work,
Why the Galoshes?

If the Galoshes work,
Why the Umbrellas?

If BOTH work, WHY the


Horry County continues to out do itself. Record 133 today, but only one death so who the fuck cares , right?

That made my eyes and stomach hurt at the same time, a feeling I havenā€™t experienced since I ran into a blue waffle one timeā€¦

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U just summed me up as well . This is the one place I can go and expect reason and metrology . Out there everyone is a hoaxer or they are just sick of hearing about it.


Hopefully the twist at the end was that you immediately deleted him/her.


Not going to get in a big argument here, but anti-nuclear is not ant-science.

Your bet is robbery, unless you laid odds. I think weā€™re about 30% to see a 100k case day in July and 80% to see one in August.

I got my first COVID test today. I drove 4 hours to Alabama for work, and got to feeling worse and worse along the way. Sore/dry throat, and eventually a post nasal drip. At one point I had a coughing fit during a conference call from the road that was somewhat alarming.

Called the office who said I should go get tested. I called two testing centers and they accepted walk ins but they were all out of tests (!). The third one was successful. They said they ran out of tests so much that they started contracting two labs.

It was one of those sinus swabs that people say is like pulling your brain out of your nose like a pharaoh. It actually wasnā€™t that bad, and Iā€™m squeamish about that stuff. I would do it again if I had to. Test should come in Thursday.

The office decided I shouldnā€™t attempt a site visit in case my test comes back positive so now Iā€™m on my way back home.

Social distance/mask compliance in Alabama is mediocre at best. Significantly worse than Atlanta.

Iā€™ve been wearing a face mask methodically in all indoor settings, but getting tons of takeout and occasionally eating on patios (only at reasonable social distance). If Iā€™m positive, it would seem to indicate that living a moderately busy social life with as much mitigation as practical is insufficient to reduce your risk to an acceptable level.


Although we can hope that the actual flu will be diminished wherever good protocols are followed.


Iā€™ve just been responding with ā€œshut the fuck upā€ to posts like this.

Distill it to its core.


Me too. But then thereā€™s the usual wailing about being victimized and yelled at, aka the mask enforcers are the real oppressors! See!

If the SEATBELTS work, WHY the airbags?

If the AIRBAGS work, WHY the seatbelts?

If BOTH work, WHY the BRAKES?


For the reply to that

See above.

They donā€™t listen to reason so this is a better plan for me

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