Day 1 in the office. “Why are you wearing a mask? It’s not required”



Mass suicide. You hate to see it.

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I wonder how many lives will be lost because DeSantis won the 2018 election. As a reminder, he beat Adrew Gillum by 0.4%, or 31,000 votes out of 8.1 million cast.

Elections matter.


Like Kemp in GA, he would have soundly lost a fair election.

The total failure of the Democratic Party to prioritize election security is an absolute disgrace and enormous own goal.

You want stimulus, put in real election security. Nah, better to do nothing, let the GOP get the win and set yourself up to get screwed again in November.


No doubt a good chunk of states will be rigging the elections for the GOP. Exit polls will vary drastically from the results.

Lololol anyone dumb enough to try and troll me with “why are you wearing a mask” in June 2020 is getting instantly clowned with some form of “because I’m not an idiot like you are” and gets treated like a child who just asked why the sky is blue.


The only thing giving me much hope right now is that Maryland and Virginia had a big, but not super widely covered, growth in cases in late May–both states rocking 7DMAs around 1,000-1,500 cases per day.

But they’ve both subsided, down to around 500 cases/day, despite…reopening?

Is there any explanation for this that I’ve missed?

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We’re not the crazy ones in here are we? I mean I know the answer but just looking for some confirmation.


Picked up Chinese food from the place around the corner from my house. It’s a tiny restaurant, only about 3-4 small tables, so most people get takeout. The only people who eat there are on a lunch break.

When I got there, there was one old man and two firefighters inside, not wearing masks. Again, this place is tiny, so there was no social distancing. I waited outside. The firefighters stared at me like I was nuts.

When those customers left, I entered. Woman manning the counter, who I think is the owner, wasn’t wearing a mask, though I don’t know if that’s normal or not, as I could see masks getting really awful if you’re in the kitchen all day. They did have a plexiglass barrier at the counter and brought food to a side table, so to that extent, it was safe. I doubt they wiped down the pens, but they did have hand sanitzer at the counter.

Maryland opened pretty recently. Maybe 2-3 weeks ago we allowed outdoor dining, and Friday we began allowing indoor stuff. Also, Baltimore City has been slower to reopen than the state as a whole - we’re not allowing indoor gatherings yet in the city, and we were slower to allow things like barbers and nail salons.

Overall while Larry Hogan is a snake in the grass who gets undeserved praise from local Dems all the time, he handled this ok at the beginning. I think it’s very likely we’ll start to see spikes in cases in the next 2 weeks, though.

We did just learn that there will be no recycling pickup for 3 weeks because of a large outbreak at the waste processing facility. Replacement crews are refusing to show up. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some kind of garbage strike.

Nah, this is just the equivalent of saying DeSantis saying “the Civil War was about states’ rights.” She was repeatedly insubordinate… for refusing to cover up and lie for your administration.

JWST stands a pretty good chance of being leapfrogged by technology. Starship will very likely be operational before JWST launches, and it will be able to launch a bigger mirror without requiring any folding. Generally speaking, the dichotomy between manned and unmanned space exploration is a false dichotomy borne of artificial scarcity created by the looting of NASA by the big contractors. Whatever flavor of space exploration you favor, the central technical requirement is getting a lot of mass into orbit. Obviously there’s hard stuff on top of that particular to the mission, but if you have 10x as much mass to play with, a lot of problems can be brute-forced, or at least not overengineered to the point of costing $10bn and not working.

This seems like a super-bad sign for colleges (like mine) planning on a full return to campus this fall.

The first legislative act of the Democratic Party once they got control of the House was to introduce a comprehensive voting rights/election security bill, which was passed by the House Democrats in short order. The GOP-controlled Senate is blocking it because they don’t want fair elections. What is Nancy Pelosi or whoever supposed to be doing to make Republicans pass election-security bills that they don’t want to pass? The way this is supposed to work is that the Republicans are supposed to suffer at the polls because they are opposing popular principled measures out of their own naked self-interest. But instead, notionally friendly media and pundits just make up lies about their own party to stroke people’s need for grievance and victimization. It’s nuts.


They should refuse to pass any must pass legislation in the House until the Senate first passes it with election security. You know this.


i saw somethng yesterday about a shutdown fight coming up, seems like a perfect time no?

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The entire point of the JWST is that it’ll be an infrared telescope, at ~40 K, at the L2 Lagrange point between the earth and the sun.

We’ll be able to see into exoplanets’ atmospheres and the cosmic background at spectra never before seen by orbital or terrestrial telecscopes, in ANY spectrum

…if the launch goes, and if the mirrors unfold properly, which admittedly is a valid engineering concern. Which is why it’s taking so long.

That wouldn’t make the Republicans pass the legislation, it would just shut down the government, likely to the benefit of the GOP, both politically and policywise.

I’m willing to take this stance with a relief bill for the next hurricane.

I’m really curious what will happen to schools here. CR has opened travel to half of the EU without quarantine or presenting a negative covid test. No doubt there’ll be another major outbreak during the summer.