As the resident D614G guy I am pleased to announce my theories are BACK BABY.

This was an actual cell culture test, not trying to infer infectiousness from sampling data like the last paper I posted. This demonstrates that the 614G variant is in fact more efficient at infecting cells.


Yeah he can fuck right off with that. My good friend is an ICU nurse in Sun City and he’s on the verge of breakdown. He said work is insane, depressing and extremely draining.


That’s terrible. I will be hoping for the best for him. We have two straight days of off the charts records here in OK right now also and my wife who is an ICU nurse is not feeling too good about what is happening. She got her first Covid test this week and was negative but working around that all the time is very mentally hard I’m sure.


So like if less people have Covid symptoms, less people go get tested. And if more people do, more people get tested.

Zero people are being tested involuntarily and basically anyone who has wanted a test could get one for at least the last 45 days. This dumbshit trolling where you try and convince us that the uptick is just testing capacity isn’t based on reality.

Reading reports from Indian Country is jarring. Not only are their COVID rates several times worse than the urban counties, medical facilities are grossly understaffed and lacking in proper PPE. They also are getting far fewer tests, so the numbers there are likely far worse.

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A woman who was showing no symptoms tested positive for COVID-19 at a free testing blitz site on May 16

I’ve found several other articles about “free testing blitzes” in AZ. None before May 16, and most within the last two weeks.

Even if people “could” get tested in theory, very few would shell out hundreds of dollars to get a test when they aren’t sick. These very recent free testing blitzes (now that supply is way up) are obviously leading to a massive increase in asymptomatic tests.

That’s weird, I get the impression I’m the only white person who prefers corn to flour tortillas

Do you know what involuntarily means? Im not sure why I bother with this shit and am going to probably switch to ignore. You will be my first ever, in 25 years of interneting


Corn has a wider range.

Great Corn > Great Flour > Average Flour > Average Corn

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Bar I used to frequent that reopened when the bars here reopened just shut down again after six cases of the rona. Just seems like a matter of time before we all get it here.

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From what i can tell those stats get put in separate categories?

  • The Arizona Department of Corrections said 249 inmates had tested positive for COVID-19. 2,042 inmates have been tested out of a population of 40,689.

That is it. You found it. More cases mean nothing if you have more testing.

I agree that this is true, but it’s also inarguable that you’ll always get more hits if you ramp up testing, especially if there are a lot of people who won’t be showing symptoms or only have mild symptoms.

It does appear that COVID-inpatient admits and ventilator usage are up across the board as well. To be expected as the state opens up, people go back to work, etc. Hopefully hospital capacity isn’t reached.

I also think more people will want to get tested (even if they’re not exhibiting significant symptoms) as they consider going back to work. Especially as they see positive numbers shooting up.

People aren’t going to get tested unless they have a reason

More tests = more cases of corona virus

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So end testing. Problem solved. Imma genuis