Maybe old ex-pats. The type that will spend 10 years in Costa Rica without learning 10 words of Spanish.

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Aren’t a lot of these guys contractually locked into playing? I dunno, especially for sports like the NFL where most players only have a few years to get their money, it’s not the craziest roll of the dice to risk getting a disease that’s highly unlikely to kill you to keep your livelihood. And it’s not like you’re a lock to avoid getting infected if you do quit the game.

Esp for baseball, which is probably going to wrap up its season before the second wave kicks in.

There’s also the younger crowd of off-the-grid, third-way, vegan Karens, etc.

They left the US to get away from all that corporate-media BS the sheeple believe, mannnnn.

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Just got back from a grocery run. Has there always been a dishwasher detergent shortage or is this new? I’m sure it was pre-pandemic the last time I bought any.

There is also no canned corned beef hash to be found anywhere. wtf? That stuff is gross. Y’all are supposed to leave it on the shelf for weirdos like me to buy.

’Exempt’ Macron to travel to UK to meet Prince Charles

Macron (left) and Britain’s Prince Charles last met in January at the World Holocaust Forum in Israel

French President Emmanuel Macron will meet Prince Charles in London on 18 June, his first foreign visit since the start of the coronavirus outbreak in Europe, officials say.

The French leader will be exempt from a mandatory 14-day quarantine for most overseas visitors to the UK as a “representative of a foreign country on business”.

Macron will be in the UK capital to commemorate the 80th anniversary of former French President Charles de Gaulle’s appeal to his compatriots to resist the Nazi occupation during World War Two.

Macron will award the Legion of Honour to London, making it the seventh city to be decorated with France’s highest order of merit.

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla will be the first members of the royal family to leave lockdown and attend a major event.

In March, Charles, 71, spent seven days self-isolating in Scotland after testing positive and displaying mild symptoms.

Masks are not anywhere close to 100% effective but even a net of say 1/2-3/4 can really impact R.

How much of that is mask technology (stuff still gets in/out at some frequency) and how much is proper usage- I don’t know.

So 40% less overall spread is a BFD for society, it doesn’t make me feel invincible on an individual basis. Am I ok with brief encounters w strangers at the grocery story? Yes. Sitting in an office all day with 15 other people? Not so much. Sitting in the basketball arena? NFW.

A fair number can survive a season wo pay is what I mean, if it comes to that from sitting out. I don’t know if they can get waivers not to play if they have a know risk factor???

Really starting to laugh when I see the word second. Maybe the rises in Oregon and Washington? Otherwise it’s all the first wave. States reopening at peak is fucked up.


If everyone in a 15 person office is properly wearing a mask, you don’t think the reduction of risk is going to be much greater than only 40% vs. no one wearing a mask?

Looks like we have new highs today already from:

LOL Florida
North Carolina

Still several states w no data including Texas and California which will probably join the list as well as a few others.


Well there’s also the touching a droplet and touching your face vector - which supposedly masks can make worse. At least that’s what we were told long long ago back in March.

If all these guys are fudging the #s they’re either doing a bad job of it or covering up a much bigger explosion.

The death numbers have always been where i have thought their numbers were fudged. Those appear to still be way lower than other similarly situated states.

Bryce was telling us that some of that niche stuff isn’t selling out like we might think. It’s missing from the shelf because it isn’t being stocked because other things are more important/in demand.

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LOL. I guess this will become common occurance over the next 6 months or however long US citizens are denied entry to Canada.

Any plans for a fence or wall like structure?


We still can’t find bread flour, although everybody has all purpose flour now. And the strangest thing we can’t find lately is corn tortillas. Got a pack about 6 weeks ago, and nothing available since except for flour tortillas.

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We can’t find mango salsa . Some diet ice teas and Patron

I seriously doubt anyone is deliberately fudging the numbers, more likely some COVID deaths are being classified as the flu or whatever due to inadequate/inaccurate testing.

I kinda subscribe to the theory that despite the usual boomer characterizations, there are a hell of a lot of older/more vulnerable folks in these states who are not buying any of the open for business shit, and staying home/safe while the younger crowd goes out and catches it.

That’s pretty much what I think but add in liberally including the comorbidity deaths to some other cause.

I don’t think that is a conspiracy really. The WH and Birx requested that of the governors. The fact the redder states are doing it shouldn’t be seen as unlikely.