There are a lot of people in the US that have food insecurity. The failure of society isn’t that our aggregate wealth is too high, it’s that there are too many degrees of separation between the people who don’t know if they’ll be able to feed their families and the power to do something about it.

I don’t think I did a good job explaining my point. My post has nothing to do with food scarcity. It has to do with the amount of fraud in our system and the amount of accountability for the people committing fraud. Our society/culture allows it.

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Brazil has passed the US in daily deaths and Bolsonaro’s son is predicting the military will erase Brazilian democracy on his dad’s behalf.

The Brazil situation seems quite dire. Not remotely shocking as they have a Covid denialist at the helm. Even though I still expect the overall result here to be quite bad I think we are lucky Fauci fought to talk as much sense into Donald as he did. It probably at least delayed a lot of death here if not outright saved lives.

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I see Fauci is selectively talking out. I think he’s done much more good behind the scenes than a rage quit would have done.


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Has anyone in the history of the world gotten in trouble tax-wise for working from their laptop or whatever while travelling?

I expect it would be the company, not an employee. And the trouble would be the company would have to pay a little more tax y/o keep more records and do a more complicated return. ETA: or give the company a “legal presence” in a jurisdiction they’d rather not have one in.

As introverted as Czechs are, even they have their limits. No question they’d take masks over social distancing.

I know that I’ll be trying to do both tomorrow and Friday when conducting exams all day.

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I would guess this is correct if it’s traveling. I ran into tax nonsense trying to do it when moving permanently from the UK to France, but everyone kept advising me to not tell anyone and it would be fine, and I’m pretty sure it would have been if I was happy not being an official resident here.

(Sabo’s right if you’re going ‘legit’, though, I think. You also have to pay whatever taxes go with wages / salaries in the country the employee is resident in.)

It used to be a huge problem for sales tax. If you have no employees in a state, you used to not be required to collect sales tax. However, if you have even one person physically working there, you were screwed.

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Florida (1,371) and Arizona (1,556) both with within a few cases of new all time highs again today. The trends with those two states seem to be real. It will be interesting to see if this is the peak or they keep moving up from here.

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We are struggling with this at my company as well. We’re trying to allow people to temporarily work from different countries, but of course our HR and legal groups want to ensure we understand all the various laws/regulations that could apply before giving any final approvals.

I am suggesting breaking the law and not telling anyone. Having official residency might make getting caught more likely (and put your residency in jeopardy probably). But maybe dutch’s company prohibits it for the season Sabo mentioned.

Looks like 142 people at

checks notes

A Great Clips in

narrows eyes


used their masks just fine.

You mean 2 did?

I’d estimate in USA #1 from what I have seen probably 20% of people don’t cover their nose and 5% of people just wear it over their chin for some inexplicable reason.

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Were the 140 clients not present at the shop when the positive hair stylist was?

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Wearing masks protects other people if you are positive. At least that is what we have been told. Right? Only 2 people were positive. The hair stylists.

Even if this dumb argument and point you are trying to make is accurate who cares? >50% of people in the US don’t wear masks and plenty that do don’t wear them correctly. So what exactly is your point again?

Read this wrong. I thought it meant what would “the public prefer”. People hate masks, but obviously they’re better than social distancing 6 feet.

I’m pretty sure that was the old WHO/CDC (lol) line, but I think a close observation of what medical workers use isn’t solely to protect them from infecting the COVID Patients they are treating.