Yeah. And I’m not trying to say huge age gaps are necessarily cool, but 10 or 15 years is nbd especially later and women having their first kid in their mid-thirties is totally standard now.

Latest update on my SIL facility was 33/90 Residents dead. I don’t know number of staff illnesses but a maintenance guy had a serious case. I don’t know the outcome. Worst of it there was mid April-mid May.

She never tested positive. Did the at home isolation thing from her family for 3-4 weeks thing.

Excellent mask testimonial. I hope you guys continue to stay negative. More olds for the sacrifice at the facility. Shame on this country. Best to your wife. It has devastated my SIL. She has PTSD.


Yah, for sure. 40-45 is a great time to be a guy in the dating world. You can date a wide age range and probably easily lock down a 30 something female looking to start a family soon if that’s your aim.

There were zero positive cases at my wife’s facility when we were going to get coffee. She was probably at less day to day risk than Starbucks workers. Then of course some aide went to a party and it’s off to the races.

And my wife isn’t an especially courageous or empathetic person ironically. She’s good at what she does though.


Costco has 100% mask compliance in my experience.

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I love the tales of your Mexico wanders but usually, if you’re 45yr and still dating, it’s because you probably weren’t first in line when everyone was playing the field 25yrs ago. Could be it didn’t go right first time round?

Wide range for this lucky 45yr old (30yr - 60yr?). Not many unimpovrished 30yr old fit females on the prowl for that 45yr old chap who’s not found love yet / been saving himself for the right gal (IMO). Must be a desperado if she’s planning family with 45yr old hero after just meeting him.

Time to hook up with any Canadian relatives…

Canada to reunite families separated by US border

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there will be a “limited exemption” for immediate family members of Canadian citizens to cross into Canada from the US.

The border has been closed to non-essential travel since 21 March and the earliest it would reopen would be 21 June.

Many non-Canadian citizens have been denied entry, despite being married to Canadians. Those affected include expectant parents Ashley and Tim Cook. Ashley Cook is a Canadian living in Windsor, Ontario and her husband and the father of her child lives just over the border in Michigan.

The new announcement reiterated that anyone coming from the US, which has been hit hard by the virus, would have to quarantine for 14 days.

“If you don’t follow these rules, you could face serious penalties,” Trudeau said.

Not sure I agree with your post, but this in particular stands out.

  1. It doesn’t go right the first time around for a lot of people. It’s the nature of youthful relationships, self discovery, and testing our compatibility before we have any true idea of who we are and what we need.

  2. People who get married or think they are committing to a lifelong partner at 20 years old are foolish. cuse is likely to meet other dating partners who made that mistake or were fortunate enough to dodge the bullets.

  3. cuse is charming, intelligent, and articulate, with a healthy amount of empathy and emotional intelligence that comes across on the internet of all places, so I have to imagine he can turn the charm up to 11 in person. Who knows? Maybe he will snag himself a rich cougar! They’ll make a hobby out of collecting Benjamins.

ETA: If that doesn’t get me hired as cuse’s ego fluffer, I don’t know what will.


I mean I know plenty of fit single women in their 30s. I know for a fact some prefer older men…

Edit: why isn’t that showing up as a quote?

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Just have to hit a hard return between the text and quote field. Hope you don’t mind I fixed it for you…

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I am sure it’s recall bias on my part, but it seems like every few years I’m hearing about an earthquake killing tens of thousands in Mexico City

you keep telling yourself that and you may end up believing it :) There’s older and 15yrs older.

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Study links blood group to Covid-19 risk

A new study has linked blood group to susceptibility to coronavirus.

The data, regarded as preliminary, suggests that individuals with blood type O, the most common in the UK, are less likely to test positive for Covid-19.

The research, carried out by genetic-testing company 23andMe, echoes other studies on the blood groups of coronavirus patients.

Many teams have been investigating how genetic factors could explain why some people who contract the virus have relatively few symptoms, while others become severely ill.

Last week, a study from Italy and Spain found patients with type A blood were more likely to need oxygen or go on a ventilator. An earlier Chinese study produced similar results.

But scientists say it’s not clear whether it is blood group that influences risk, or some other genetic factor.

There are four main blood groups – A, B, AB and O – and they’re determined by the genes inherited from your parents.

But a first blush look at the information from the more than 750,000 participants in the study shows the following:

  • The preliminary data suggest that O blood type appears to be protective against the virus when compared to all other blood types.
  • Individuals with O blood type are between 9-18% percent less likely than individuals with other blood types to have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the data.
  • There appeared to be little differences in susceptibility among the other blood types.
  • These findings hold when adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, ethnicity, and co-morbidities.
  • Although one study found the blood group O only to be protective across rhesus positive blood types, differences in rhesus factor (blood type + or -) were not significant in 23andMe data. Nor was this a factor in susceptibility or severity in cases.
  • Among those exposed to the virus — healthcare and other front line workers — 23andMe found that blood type O is similarly protective, but the proportion of cases within strata is higher.

Costco is requiring 100% mask compliance or they will kick you out of the store.


I’m married so I don’t care. Just my observation from my wife’s friends…

During the duration of the entire epidemic, yes we are most assuredly going to get it. I don’t think many of us will avoid it tbh, but I’m drawing dead. So are the Starbucks workers IMO. So is absolutely everyone who is now actually going into work now. This isn’t a change on my part or a goalpost shift, that’s what I meant then too.

I think those of us who have the opportunity to have a realistic shot of not getting beer virus should absolutely do everything we can to avoid it… but those of us who have zero shot have to live with that fact for the next 12-24 months until we hit herd immunity. Realistically we’re not going to be perfect, and many of us are facing some pretty real mental health challenges as we go through it. As long as we do the best we can (genuinely) to keep the R0 down I think we’re doing the right thing.

Honestly I think most of our disagreements boil down to this… it’s your fairly black and white world view vs my oceans of gray. I’m also a lot more hopeful for the future of the world than you are, and generally think that our species is a lot more redeemable than you do as well.

And the whole dogpile thing… yeah it’s something liberals do, and sometimes it’s a good thing… but I also think it’s helping to scare off a lot of very talented people who we should be running for office, so I really wish we’d change what we lose our shit about. I think taking money from financial services, healthcare, or really almost any F500 sources as a politician calls for a good old fashioned dog pile… But having an affair or doing something JT thinks is wrong wrt quarantine or the environment maybe not.

I know that “everyone is going to get it eventually” is kinda the default assumption in the US, but it sucks balls that there are several countries out there that were able to lock it down, and we have no chance. It looks like the lockdowns were working, or they would have if people actually followed them.

The lockdowns even worked here. Look at NY/CT/NJ/MI etc. We absolutely could have done it here but there was no leadership at the Federal level and fat MAGA dipshits needed their Awesome Blossoms.


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Went to supermarket today. Saw a Trumpkin wearing a Trump 2020 face mask. Was gonna ask why he was wearing the mask if it’s a liberal hoax but decided not to lol.


I saw we were fucked waaay early because I live in Texas and have eyes.

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