Trump tried to block this on trademark grounds. Satire still protected speech for now.



I think that’s a dose of like 3+ cigarettes, quite a bit.

Yes the handling. I’m blaming the fascism on the voters who voted for it. There are young Trumpers but he loses young voters by super wide margins.

Report from Ohio:

People are just plain done caring about this thing. Masks are now very scarce, bars and restaurants back open, full YOLO. Pools open and packed, literally shoulder to shoulder. 11 days and counting left in this hellhole.


I fully agree and don’t buy the claim. I don’t know a lot about him, but I had some respect for Ventura (he was a demolitions expert with the Navy SEALS I believe) and he doesn’t believe two seperate buildings could come down like that. But yeah, it’s so much harder for me to believe the number of people it would’ve required to be in on something like that wouldn’t have leaked something substantial by now, so Occam’s Razor imo

True, but they’re the ones I worry most about. It’s not the grandparents on a steady diet of FOX news that concern me

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I hate people


The Alberta graph is looking pretty textbook.

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Lol gyms are super high risk. Here they are slated for last step of opening.

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I would have drown myself.

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Florida massage parlors open. Guess Robert Kraft is getting antsy.

BTW- Massage Parlors opening is the epitome of sleazy white conservatism. Nothing says we need to open the economy more than a bunch of white dudes that need to pay for a handjob because the wife refuses to touch them.


Minnesota study on fish tank cleaner pills says they do not do anything to prevent people from acquiring Covid.

How does this graph compare to one that doesnt include NY/NJ?

Wait really? I had heard UC and Cal State colleges were all out for fall.

Pretty sure USC is considered a UC school.

Edit: Welp, nevermind, USC is NOT considered a UC school

This thought process is why even smart people suck at poker. They’re not use to thinking everything through.

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Thinking USC is a UC school is pretty damn near unforgivable.


Are not the vast majority of massage places legit therapy/services and not cover for handjobs? I have a regular deep tissue massage service (or did pre pandemic) and there are definitely no handjobs going on there. Although I do have to admit that my wife never touches me anymore. But I think that’s because we live in a small house and my daughter is home 100% of the time these days.

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I hope they have a placebo effect at least because I’m not gonna stop.