shockingly, you are doing better than here in red California.

Mask use the last time I was out driving was less than 25%, and in places where people were congregating the most, the percentage was less than that.

I passed a BJ’s Brewhouse, which is doing the “responsible thing” by not allowing people to wait in the waiting area for their table and reducing the number of active tables, so what was happening? The patio area outside the waiting area was PACKED. People shoulder to shoulder waiting for their table, no distancing, a grand total of maybe 2 masks.

Reading the Nextdoor page for the area (and holy shit is that website just full of the worst people) we absolutely have to open and those who want to take chances are welcome to and those who want to be scared little babies jumping at shadows can stay home the whole time.

In April, mask use in the grocery store I went to was about 65%. My last trip this week, it was under 25%.

California numbers will explode shortly. Especially if we start to see any migration from South to North.

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The Cook County (Chicago) Medical Examiner reports more people died Jan-May than all of 2019. More than half the deaths were COVID19 relsted.

Having trouble figuring out the numbers here.

Clearly more than 6,500 people must die in a given year in Cook County. Like 5 million people live there, a little less than 1% of all Americans die each year, so there must be something like 30,000 deaths per year in Cook County normally?

Yeah, this is what I saw driving around on Memorial Day.

OTOH, I went to our local Vons (Albertsons brand supermarket) today, and was very pleasantly surprised. They’ve extended the hours to almost what they were before (7am-11pm instead of 6am to 1am) so I can go shopping when they are almost empty, they’ve implemented 1-way aisles, and they have staff out front wiping down the carts and not allowing anyone in without masks… so 100% compliance. I did self check-out and never got within 6’ of another peep.

I’m sure it helps a ton that these are all UFCW folk. If restaurants were organized, I’m sure they’d be doing a much better job too.

I think it’s more of the Just World fallacy.

Do you remember the scene from Contagion where the daughter’s boyfriend tries to kiss her? He says, “Don’t worry, I don’t have it.”

People like to believe they get what they deserve, at least until a catastrophe happens to them. So lots of people think that because they are good people, they’ve been spared and will continue to be spared. This is a bad thing that only happens to bad people, ergo even if it ever does touch you, that’s because a bad person brought it to you. Not through any mistake of your own.



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So I’m guessing it has to do with what things the medical examiners office deals with. From the list of who gets an autopsy done by them ( it seems like it might not include all deaths in the county

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All of my bribes are jokes.


watching this right now, may be a mistake!


eh, I don’t have a problem with a jewelry store or a coin store or something like that doing this since it’s all individual stuff outside of a store front but apparently they’re going with but the order doesn’t mention home delivery (though it technically wasn’t). One of those optics things though and really dumb timing.

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But they have things in common

No mass gatherings
No hanging out with people in indoor spaces which can include work spaces.
Wear masks
Protect nursing homes
Protect prisons
Protect factory/plant workers

Really apartment buildings and mass transit are the hard to control factors.

It’s just sarcasm. You do understand what sarcasm is, don’t you?

It’s never a mistake to watch a Soderberg movie :pray:

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giphy (23)

It’s all about keeping Trump’s numbers down. Hannity dgaf about people come on now.

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Yup, that guy, like ~everyone in finance, is just a piece of shit full stop.

It’s actually really really simple: cases and deaths make Trump look bad; the Ozark folks increase the risk of more cases/deaths; ergo Hannity mad.

Just had my first haircut since the before times. Everyone wearing masks, no kissing.


Where do you go?