Love this. We need to inject some reality. These people find strength in numbers on the Internet and think there is a huge percentage of people like them. Let the usually silent majority shout them down and send them back into the fringes of society with their nonsense.


This is actually pretty reassuring considering it’s lol Staten Island which is deplorable central.


The Staten Island deplorables I see on FB aren’t posting the “Open up now 'cause my rights” memes.

The may be racist and ignorant, but they can see that COVID is real.

The only way we get to herd immunity with that few of deaths is if we have a breakthrough in treatment or the virus mutates to a less deadly strain.

Do you think there is a death toll that would break through to them?

I thought it was well below 100k, but here we are. I remember explaining the scale of the epidemic to my wife and saying that yes, 60k seems like a lot, but in a few weeks we will be at 100k. And the way my brain processes numbers, 100k doesn’t seem like much more than 60k. But it is. It is almost exactly twice as many people dead in a matter of weeks, and yet we have people rushing outside to party.

I wasn’t sure about telling this story, but yesterday I was dumb enough to go to a Wal-Mart and get into it with an employee on the way out. I wore a mask the whole time and was pleased to see most employees wearing bandanas or masks.

As I exited, an employee stopped me and said something. I didn’t hear him and indicated so.

He stepped close to me, pulled down his mask (!!!), and told me, “You can’t take the hand basket out of the store.”

I put the basket down and said, “That’s fine, but I need you to back away and put your mask back on.”

He said, “Huh? I was just telling you that you can’t take the basket out of the store.”

“That’s no excuse to take your mask off.”

As I walked off, I heard him yell, “But I had to for you to hear me!”

If the only time you take your mask off is when you need to directly engage with a customer, you are missing the point of wearing a mask.


How many people have to die to guarantee that almost everyone knows someone who died? That’s the number you’re looking for. We’ve established that these are people who don’t have empathy and need to be personally affected for something to show up on their radar.


This. I’m super fucking sick of all these shots (here and on news sites) of people engaging in outdoor recreation like going to the beach and whatnot. While it’s not a great idea it’s unlikely to be a huge driver of any epidemic.

Definitely not included in this is that speedway shot, which is so bad I wouldn’t be surprised if it showed up in local county stats, if such a thing is available in NC. People packed together and yelling at each other over noise is about as bad as it gets, outdoor or not.


As much as I want to believe we are all wrong, there is absolutely no basis to think that’s true. I haven’t come across a plausible scenario/theory of the case where OPEN FOR BUSINESS works, economically or for public health.

What’s going to stop this thing? The answer is still: a vaccine. People getting bored doesn’t change that. As far as I can tell the official policy of the Federal government is to hope for literal magic. It is actual insanity.



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The window shift from “we need to do real lockdowns” to “meh everybody sitting in a pool is probably ok” is real.

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This is completely where I have been for a couple weeks. If somehow this just dissipates into nothing while we have literal MAGA orgies going on across the country I will completely question my sanity and reality.


A parade sounds nothing like (checks news) tubing down a river all holding each others’ tubes, swimming in a pool and hovering around it, or making it rain with hundreds gathered around your car on a city street. Oh wait.

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Right, that was an example of a very bad outdoor event. There were 200,000 spectators, all jammed closely together. Think about how much time you spend in very close proximity to strangers on a typical trip to the beach, even when the beach is quite busy. It’s not like being in a crowd at all.

In Australia the government’s COVIDSafe app will only alert you if you were in proximity to a case for at least 15 minutes. It’s not that there’s no chance you get infected if you just walk past an infected person, but the chances are hugely lower.

There is a huge social benefit to stoking widespread outrage at people who refuse to take basic precautions, even if the specific behavior causes relatively minor increased risk.

There is a massive danger in allowing those behaviors to go unchecked.


Very important to maintain social distancing reasonably and responsibly, even during the easing of lockdown restrictions:


I don’t know. I think it can operate as a way to scold other people for being bad even when you yourself might be doing worse things. I saw a stat that in Australia, 10% of the population were still going shopping every day at the height of our outbreak. I bet a decent chunk of them were tsk-tsking at photos of people on beaches.

This is the same exact shit the derposphere says. WAL-MART IS PACKED, WHY CAN’T WE HAVE SPORTS?!

unless someone can think of something very quickly

Seeing all the clips of OPEN 'R UP around the country makes me happy I don’t live in a Dumbfucksville, USA. My neighborhood in Portland has a lot of businesses and restaurants that people walk to and today driving around I’d guess probably 70% of people just walking around outside on the sidewalk or whatever had a mask on. Every single person I could see inside stores (all grocery or convenience stores) had a mask on, so did everyone I saw walking into and out of an outdoor food cart area. That simply wearing a mask has become some sort of nonsensical, faux machismo piss battle encouraged by Trump is just perfect for these times. Large swaths of this country are somehow still becoming more and more foreign to me. It bothers me how accurate Idiocracy was; Trump even had his vroom vroom motorcycle distraction at the WH the other day.

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