It’s difficult for me as my hair is very thick. So much so that even professionals screw up cutting it.

The recent spike in cases in the CR continues to be connected to an outbreak at the mines on the border of CR and Poland. Rest of the country is growing at a pretty slow rate despite the removal of restrictions. I think so long as the virus is restricted to local outbreaks, the government is okay with how things are. So far that appears to be the case here.

The summer will be a real test with so many people travelling and nearly all restrictions on everyday life removed.

This could be a measurement effect… if you had flu-like symptoms, are you going to the doctor to get a flu test if you’re not critically ill?

“haven’t really socialized”


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Makes sense: she’s a neolib.

Which one of you?


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Handshakes all around! Good job everyone!

So tortuous. Just makes me that much more upset at people who don’t take it seriously or even worse claim it is fraudulent.

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Sorry to break it to you, but almost the entire country is a backwater third world disaster now.


That is a tough one. If she quarantines first and travels safely I would probably try to make it work if it were me. These kinds of situations can be difficult. And the problem is there is no real end date in sight for when such a visit would need to be handled less stringently.

We’re going to have a total shit show on our hands in late summer / fall. The $600/week unemployment money is going to stop and Mitch isn’t going to pass anything else. Plus a bunch of firms that got PPP loans will go broke. Meanwhile the virus will be raging. The GOP will go all in blaming Democratic mayors and governors, they have no other option at that point, nonsensical as that is.


To be fair the Catholic Church may be the biggest cult in the world so it is not hard for others to co opt the brainwashing of their members.

I don’t disagree the government has culpability, but I am not big on people giving up any and all personal responsibility.

“The government didn’t tell me not to” does not fly with me as a reasonable excuse.

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What about your brother? :crossed_fingers:

She did not mention how many 5g towers are near her.


Sounds pretty promising from the ignorant layman perspective. The T-cell thing seems important in light of recent discoveries.

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If you do a deep dive into how anti-science propaganda is disseminated you’ll find that nearly 100% of the climate change denial websites/think tanks have funded creationist websites, anti-vax websites, etc.

Your messaging can’t just be “science is amazing and does great things, it’s only those climate scientists that are lying to you”. Too many people will see thru that. Nope, you gonna poison every well.

The farthest I could trace this strategy back to was the cigarette industry propaganda. I’m sure its manifested in other ways prior to that.


It is pretty bad to realize that when this picks back up and deaths are rolling even higher that the issue is guaranteed to become even more politicized and more partisan because of a group of Fonzis can not admit they were wrong.

4 hour drive for her. She is taking this serious and I trust her to actually quarantine. Last thing she would want is to get us sick. My concern is mostly about how much interaction with people she has and if 2 or 3 weeks is long enough time. She isn’t on a covid floor or anything but still interacting with 20-30 patients a day in tiny rooms seems really sketchy.

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Merchants of Doubt - by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway