What do we think the political response is going to be as cases start to go up in reopened states? Say Trumpy Red (FL, GA), Reasonable Red (OH, MD) and blue?

I think Trumpy governors try to power through, moderate ones maybe cycle back and forth, and blue states try to calibrate for an R < 1.

Agree/disagree? Part two is does the Senate allow an extension of the UI expansion to allow more shutdowns?

Trumpy red states are going to rig the stats and only will shut down if the hospitals get noticeably overrun. If they actually get to that point before shutting down the pain and suffering will likely be at a scale we have never seen before anywhere in the world. We are talking probably a month of people dying in the waiting rooms at least.

Maryland and blue states I think will try and re-institute control if the numbers get maybe 25% over the previous peak. So you would need at least 45k new cases a day/3500 deaths a day type numbers before they do anything.

As far as Republicans voting to expand the $600 i would say the odds are zero. Some type of expansion of duration maybe with increases based more on peopleā€™s actual salary is quite likely. Of course the Fed and Congress are going to have a tough sell in general. Why do we need more stimulus when it seems everyone thinks this is almost over, the stock market is back to ATHs and dear leader is likely to be crowing about how AMERICA IS BACK BABY as we have 1k+ deaths a day in perpetuity?

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With a functioning congress sure. Pretty sure Mitch would have blocked any useful bill if a lefty was in office making sure the democratic president failed so they could blame him. And I think a president would need a pretty large stimulus bill for the CDC to properly do all the things you listed. They just got 25 billion and thats nowhere near enough.

wtf do you film scheisse porn in your house?

I wouldnā€™t go quite that far, maybe at a scale weā€™ve not seen in the US in 100 years.

The problem is if the blue states wait as long as you said theyā€™d have to shut down for months to get control again. Seems way better to try to keep control now, but LOLUSA.

I could live with that. Iā€™d trade it for another stimulus check and try to cut a deal, at least that would help poor folks a bit more.

Congress may not act unless Wall Street demands it, though. Ugh.

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Iā€™d say like 80%+ of the people on UE donā€™t vote Republican, many of them not voting at all. Thatā€™s just a wild guess without looking at any data but most people on UE are low income and or young which isnā€™t their base at all.

Their actual base is pissed off at this UE shit because they donā€™t think these people deserve it, think they should get back to work, and are outraged THEIR tax dollars are going to keeping a bunch of scared liberal pussies at home. While of course they WFH or are retired.

Thatā€™s true of most Western countries. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that things would have been handled much better by most governments (I donā€™t know if yours would ever have the competence to protect even its own demographic) if a disproportionate number of wealthy white people were dying.

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Total shit orders staff back to work, then retracts after a staff mutiny

The engineering firm Dyson told staff who were able to work from home to return to the office this week, in apparent contravention of government advice, then cancelled the plan after a mutiny among dismayed employees, the Guardian understands.

Government guidelines state that people should ā€œwork from home, if you canā€, with employers told to make every possible effort to allow staff to do so.

However, multiple sources said that the company, owned by Britainā€™s richest man Sir James Dyson, told staff they should start coming back into the office, in rotating shift patterns, from Monday.

The proposals prompted anger among employees and the company reversed its decision the following day.

The rodent populations are higher because weā€™ve decimated their predators.

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Just to clarify my first point I meant from Covid-19 compared to what we have seen so far. I have no doubt that the third world eventually probably sees the most suffering from this and obviously it is laughable to compare this to a lot of historical events on the suffering meter. After re-reading what I wrote in the middle of the night I realize that could be taken a bunch of different ways.


Yes. Even Trump will be pushed to match the ~800,000 Rwandans killed in just 6 weeks, 5-6% of the population in a civil war that would eventually claim the lives of 20% of the country, including 1/3 of all Twa pygmies.

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Well UI is almost over. Only 2.4 million new cases last week lol.

OH is in a very weird spot. The Republican governor is actually trying to do the right things. Meanwhile the batshit legislature and legions of deplorables are hell bent on blowing things up. They are calling him Hitler, a communist, etc. They are driving down mask adoption and poisoning the well for vaccination. Basically we are fucked, but itā€™s surprisingly not because of our Republican governor.

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Click mouse, stay in house


This is one of those explanations I hear that clearly canā€™t be true. For most of the Northeast the opposite has been happening, quite noticeably. Population loss due to deindustrialization, combined with environmental protections, have led to significant rewilding all over the region. Bears and moose are now common in areas they havenā€™t been seen since the 19th century or earlier. Same with bobcats and fisher cats.

I have rabbits in my yard, and the occasional fox hunting them, and I live on a busy commercial road in the middle of town. There are herons, ducks and geese in the small lake behind my house every day. Thereā€™s an eagle that lives somewhere nearby. You would never have see any of that 25 years ago.

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This is the most confusing graph I have ever seen.

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I was going to write the same posts. We have tons of coyotes now too and Iā€™ve seen multiple bobcats in recent years (including in my suburban backyard) and we have bears probably within Concord city limits.

Iā€™ve tried giving the guy feedback in terms of grouping. He does do a selected countries version sometimes.

He does do states by region which helps. Iā€™m used to reading it now so I know what to look for. It violates the 10 second rule but packs a lot of info in one place. I often make graphs for just myself that are ridiculously busy.

Looks like hospitalized Covid patients surged by 25% here in Oklahoma in one day yesterday. The largest increase in quite a while. As others, most notably suzzer, have pointed out this seems like a stat that cannot be faked or manipulated very easily. My wife worked yesterday and their ICU had zero Covid patients and she works again today and they have 3. It could be variance in the data of course but it could also be that we are 21 days from reopening and that is about the earleist you would expect to start to see people infected that first week show up at the hospital.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the coyotes. You can hear them yipping up a storm in the evenings now.