That is my biggest hope in this fiasco at the moment. That some form of treatment has a real impact on severity of illness etc.


Apparently this has been good for legal business… His firm anticipates a lot of work soon.

This is a great point. One big thing that kicked off the initial lockdown was the NBA pausing the season. Starting and then restopping the leagues might have a similar effect to protect us through wave 2 and keep the schools closed

Qatar has crossed the 1% of population testing positive metric. Qatar #1.

Could partially be heavy testing of a small population but still another point that high heat doesn’t do it (could force people inside together in air conditioning).

Also seems like lower humidity indoor air may work to reduce exhaled droplet size via evaporation, keeping them airborne longer???

Listening to sports radio and they are talking about NBA restart

Jfc. International players need to come back.

Assuming June 1 is the gathering of players what is the over under date for shutdown?

I say June 19. I would not be shocked by June 10. I’ll be stunned if they make it until July 4. No one has the answer of what happens when someone tests positive. Shit look at Rudy G. I think a couple of teammates and another couple of recent opponents also tested positive.

Mark Cuban says they need to completely isolate in a “bubble” for success but others disagree. I concur w Cuban but lol in reality.

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My wife the law librarian says her firms are planning for a mini boom. Of course one of them does maritime law as a specialty and the cruise industry is exhibit A, B, C, and D (at least).

I think the NBA has a chance. They’re only going to be in one city (maybe 2), no travel. Everyone will get tested frequently. The product will be weird watching them play in practice or gym like facilities, but it’s the best run pro sports league with the smallest amount of players. They have by far the best chance of success for any NA league.

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US minus NY just plugging along.

I’ve been very anti but have evolved my thinking. We need a canary in the coal mine. If they isolate and can’t make it then we are really fucked. I just doubt that they will really isolate in practice.

I honestly don’t care about isolation in practice if everyone has tested negative. Some of the precautions are dumb. Watched the Bundesliga this weekend. Substitutes were all 6 feet apart wearing masks, but on any corner kick you have 15 players within 10 feet of each other.

Good news everyone, as this is now over we won’t need any more enhancement to unemployment benefits. Instead, future relief will be focused on protecting businesses from litigation. USA! USA! USA! USA!

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Yes. Like a little bit pregnant.

An Illinois legislator decided he didn’t want to wear a mask today on the temporary Assembly floor. They voted 81-27 to kick him out


You’d think 36 million unemployed would be a demographic you might want to cater to.


Very few politicians care about voters. Donors are more important.


Until they lose.

They don’t donate much to campaigns.

The more they ignore big voting blocks the more you should fear cheating and riggage.