I’ll tell my coworker who insists on brushing his teeth in the office bathroom every day after lunch, when it stinks like hell in there.

I’m going to guess if somebody in my family is blasting this virus out of their ass I’m probably going to get it regardless of where I keep my toothbrush.


Your decision to stay away is why they canceled the games.

Jk I’m sure you’re a healthy winner :partying_face:


LOL. Still not looking to brush fecal matter around my mouth.

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There is basically no one doing deep analysis on where this is likely headed. We have, on one hand, 2nd wave horror story artists. On the other we have the Covid denial crowd. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle but closer to the former. Very very few people are as knowledgeable about this, or even care to be, as the average Unstuck poster. People aren’t good with nuance and so some nuanced discussion about how we are likely to see another uptick but it likely won’t be until mid-June or later (because of a R>1 but far less than March 1, delays between infection and a positive test result and even a longer delay until death and also possibly some seasonality) is met with glazed eyes. People don’t want to wait this thing out anymore and so people are now using anything to rationalize their behavior.

“It’s been two weeks now since Chili’s reopened and the numbers haven’t exploded!” seems to be the one most liberals are latching on to right now. Which is nonsensical for a lot of reasons. 10k Americans are needlessly dying a week right now and no one really cares. They are bored with it and want to go back to their lives pre-Covid. The fact this basicslly isn’t possible without an enormous amount of death is not registering.


Suck it up, buttercup.


Eat shit.

Well, I guess you already are!

tenor (6)


It’s no coincidence that we all have a shit eating grin at times.

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Yup that’s exactly it. That’s the size of it. And they’ll all keep moving the goalposts right along with Trump. We’ll be right the whole way and treated like Chicken Little the whole way.

I’m just trying not to be in the 500K to 1.5M (2M? 3M?) who lay down their life at the altar of Dow Jones. I’m starting to mentally prepare for numerous people I love to do so.

It’s just so, so dumb. The upper middle class and upper class aren’t lining to go back to work. The economy won’t be back. Attending sports isnt coming back. Concerts aren’t coming back. Live poker and many aspects of casinos aren’t coming back.

The economy isn’t coming back just because Chili’s is open.

I don’t know, my friends telling me I’m a conspiratorial pessimist and things are ok are white, upper middle class liberals.

I somehow lost a filling over the weekend. So I call my dentist Monday, dreading going. Well it turns out my dentist decided to permanently close their practice due to Covid-19. Hmm. Well ok, that makes sense. Practicing dentistry in the age of Covid-19 is a suicide mission I get it. The person who called me back told me they were farming her patients out to another dentist. I googled him and the reviews were great so I got an appointment for today.

I show up to the office and they had a box of masks that they presumably were making everyone wear. Obviously I already had one on. They took my temp. Ok, so far so good. I go in and get the filling replaced. The dentist finishes, takes his mask off and wants to get to know me a bit. I am basically wondering what he is fucking doing. I cut him fairly short. Went out to the part where you pay and the person who checks you out is wearing a mask with it under her nose. At a fucking dentist.

The moral of that story is that people are mostly dumb as fuck. I also while walking out through the building atrium type area witnessed a boomer carrying his mask in his hand, come in and go straight to the water fountain guzzle water and then continue carrying his mask in his hand as he went into some other office. I barely refrained from mentioning to him that it only works if it is on his face in the snide tone of voice my grandpa would have used with me as a child.

Tonight I get on FB and all the teacher friends and family I have are all bitching and moaning about how ridiculous the CDC guidance is for schools. Do they not realize teachers and their families are going to get mowed the fuck down by Covid? No, no they fucking don’t. They care about how hard doing the regulations are going to be. It’s infuriating but I am starting to come to terms with it because it is the reality we live in.


I understand. But they’re probably not working in an at risk environment is my point. The people telling you everything is fine wouldn’t put a shift in as a cashier at a grocery store.


That is without a doubt one of the top 5 stupidest things I have ever seen.

Having physical side effects (she doesnt) would mean she would have to be wearing it incredibly wrong.

Political cartoon: Karen making a vlog on her phone about how wearing the mask makes her feel like she cant breathe… cut to “5 minutes earlier” Karen, blue faced, walking through the grocery store with the mask tied tightly around her neck and the corners of the mask shoved up her nostrils

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This is pretty much the case, according to this old Mythbusters. So not only is everything going to shit, shit’s going everywhere.

Yeah and even more so with this, people are poorly equipped to make decisions regarding a virus they can’t see that has a two week incubation period. Guarantee you the woman with her mask down thinks it’s fine because nobody seems sick.


True, ones an out of work (due to covid) broadcaster and the other is now a lawyer.

I think a lot of you doom and gloomers are missing an important obvious truth. Everything sucks in this timeline, so the most likely outcome of all this is that we open everything up, the virus goes away for reasons nobody understands, and all the stupidity of the past 2 months get enshrined as gospel. Trump 2020 and beyond, America keeps being more greaterer forever.


Do we root for this or not? Because in this timeline that makes little sense I agree that is what is likely to happen. On one hand a lot less people die than I think. On the other hand science and our already mostly fucked democracy is toast.