It’s weird. My mother’s opinions and actions completely contradict each other. Her actions show that she’s taking this seriously. Her opinions are the same horseshit that your dad consumes on a nightly basis. She’s dealing with some crazy cognitive dissonance that I don’t bother to even get into with her.

Exactly why I started my travelling about in my 20s. Get the retirement stuff done while I’m healthy enough to enjoy it. Just by looking at my family history, there’s no guarantee that retirement will ever come if I wait for those years.

Dementia runs rampant on my mother’s side. Men dying young is rampant on my father’s side. There’s a solid chance that I’m currently on the back 9 of my life. Had to treat 10 years of my life like an early retirement before joining the real world.


Yeah in NH we opened and literall banned non residents from most things. Not sure if that’s even enforceable or who is supposed to enforce it.

That’s the thing about all of the reopening “regulations”. They are all bullshit and there is no will or mechanism to enforce them. It is going to be a complete free for all. It is already here in OKC from what I can tell and it hasn’t even been 3 weeks.

It’s amazing that this is real.

If I saw this on YouTube, I’d assume that she was a performance artist exaggerating and mocking the Karens of America. The line between humor and real life is so blurry.

Also personally, I consider not being able to hold babies a benefit of masks.

JFC. Can’t I just be proud of my decision to stay away without big brother making the choice for me?


She is sublimating the deep dark fear that things might not actually go back to normal. No one can process living through the end times of a global empire so they make it about masks and haircuts and free refills because those are the only things that can be grasped. The anxiety that your country is a hollow shell ready to collapse must be turned to something else for the brain to survive.


I thought eating it was all good? Looks like delivery is back on the blacklist?

Another friend of mine just tested positive. She’s had diarrhea and gastro-intestinal problems for 3 weeks.

Bad news for team yummy fries.


Everything’s going to shit.

Yes, I already used that. Sue me.

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Not so fast. We know SARS also infects the gut like this and get transmitted through aerosolized sewage/vomit/diarrhea (hope none of you guys are eating when you read this). I’ll let one of the experts here chime in on whether this establishes an honest-to-god fecal-oral route for transmission.

I’ll say this seems like very bad news for the third world.

I was mostly joking. I assume if it infects the gut it gets there through the bloodstream and not through eating a contaminated yummy fry.

In 2020 I’m not ruling anything out but I’m also still getting Japanese takeout on Friday.

IIRC during the SARS outbreak there was a case where there was hard evidence that a flushing toilet aresolized the virus enough that it could spread surprisingly far.

Here we demonstrate active replication of SARS-CoV-2 in human intestinal organoids and isolation of infectious virus from the stool specimen of a patient with diarrheal COVID-19.

The robust SARS-CoV-2 replication in human intestinal organoids suggests that the human intestinal tract might be a transmission route of SARS-CoV-2.

Could be someone shits is out, it gets aresolized, someone else inhales it, right? That would mean the intestinal tract is a transmission route but it’s not fecal-oral.

well if you inhale it then it’ll go into your lungs, so it’d be a respiratory infection. i wouldn’t think the virus would survive the stomach, but somehow it’s adapted in the intestines, it’s weird

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My liberal friends from college who both went to school for journalism have decided my pessimism is no longer welcome in the group chat, it’s “unproductive.”

They’ve decided that case numbers are down this week (uhhh what?) despite the reopening and things are going well. They’ve decided we’re basically starting to come out the other side of this thing and all will be fine by early 2021 at the latest.

Again these are college educated liberals with journalism degrees, so the degree to which the public is behind agreeing that we’re in good shape right now is astounding.

Yeah, it looks like we got a fecal-respiratory sort of route. I’ve been digging through this WHO document. It’s bad news for places with poor sewage treatment:

Scenario 3: Exposure to poorly managed excreta and wastewater that harbour the virus. There is some evidence to show that H5N1 is excreted in human faeces (8), and all influenza A viruses can be transmitted in the faeces of avian species. Human and animal excreta are most often managed separately. However, there are settings and scenarios
15where animal waste may be combined with human waste. If the sewage from poultry houses is mixed with human sewage, for example, there could be a risk of transmitting influenza through interconnected sewage pipes and non-sealed venting. In such situations, prevention and control measures should focus on reducing airborne droplet and aerosol transmission. Sewers should never be vented through human living quarters. Other means of excreta disposal where aerosol formation is unlikely, such as latrines, probably represent an extremely low risk of virus transmission.

Pro tip for you guys: I keep my toothbrush in a closed drawer, I don’t keep it in a holder by my sink. I’ll let y’all guess why.

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Yes, a broken pipe or something like that infected people in different apartments on different floors of the building.