These are the zips that had the highest positive rate in the new antibody study. I’d worry a little about small sample size at the zip code level.

Does anybody have a definitive answer why? The reasons I’ve heard (global warming, more wildlife, etc) seem very uncompelling and not backed by anything.

Re Virus vs. heat, Qatar has the highest per-capita active case rate right now (besides the Vatican and San Marino). almost 3x the US rate. Although it might just be the slaves from Nepal catching it. :confused:

I’ve heard for the white mountains it’s a massively increased rodent population. Apparently those little ticks also use rodents for hosts and not just deer. No idea how true that is, or why the rodent populations are so much highter.

All this talk of ticks got me wondering about a vaccine and I’ve found that there was a vaccine for Lyme Disease but the drug company stopped making it.

This article is two years old and another company had a vaccine in phase 2 testing and was hoping to have it on the market in 5 years.

Only reasons why I’ve heard are milder winters. No clue whether that’s true.

Back in law school I spent a week in the rainforest in Belize at a private nature preserve. Just a wonderful place smack dab in the middle of nowhere. But they have lots of ticks. Balls of baby ticks cling to leaves and whatnot and when you brush past them you get hundreds of them on you. The day I left I went out to the coast to spend a couple days snorkeling. Got there in the afternoon hit the water for a few hours then went back to my room to take a shower, and to my horror I found no less than twenty small ticks latched on to my nether region.

Worst porn spec script ever submitted.


Possibly stupid question, but given those antibody numbers, if that recent study from (San Diego?) about partial T-cell “immunity” at 34% or whatever is accurate, is it possible we could be effectively close to herd immunity in the worst hit neighborhoods of NYC? I assume that those fighting it off at due to past exposure to other coronaviruses are not showing antibodies?

If the real mechanism is more vitamin D and more outdoor time, where it’s tougher to spread, we’re not looking for extremely hot places where people are in air conditioning all day. We’re looking for 65-80 degrees.

Another Darwin winner!


God’s will.


If this is correct most of the US for the last month and a half might actually have been in the least fertile ground for transmission going forward. Ouch.

Everyone we know w kids is talking about wanting the schools to at least try this fall.

Seasonality plus schools opening plus football =big ducking fisaster come October.

The imported slave countries seem to be having a lot of issues. Most of Singapore’s cases are in their guest worker dormitories.

Georgia with 41 new ICU admissions today - that’s more than double their usual daily total. 1000ish new cases and 700 new hospitalizations is also a little high. They definitely aren’t dropping.

The auto industry and its suppliers reopened their plants Monday. Ford closed 2 plants today due to workers testing positive.

Making me proud of Chicago


ITT we learn ZZs dog introduced ticks to his area


Lol ok - well throw out Georgia’s positive rate. They’re including antibody tests in the total number of tests.

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Apparently a big antibody study in Sweden found 7.3% positive in Stockholm. Long way from herd immunity.

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