Sweden in many ways are just being racist fucks. The olds and the immigrants are doing a disproportionate share of the dying.

Thinking of herd immunity is dumb to begin with when we don’t know how long immunity lasts. Trying to go for herd immunity only to find out immunity lasts for 6 months is a great way to make this endemic with all the mutation risks that come with that.


Trump’s going to have to replace all of his positive mentions of Norway with Sweden, cause that’s his jam.

It’s vaccine or endemic at this point, Donald Trump has made it thus.

Australia now pushing to get International Students back (tens if not hundreds of thousands of students) for our second, winter, semester (July onwards) despite the fact that 80%+ of our cases were brought in from overseas. Initial prognosis was they may not return for the entire 2021! I guess they are just going to somehow quarantine tens of thousands of people at once in hotels … ? Unsure how this works but its our second biggest industry so get them back in.

We’ve been observing our local facebook group without commenting, but this finally prompted my wife to jump in:

Hi Everyone:

Be certain to contact ODE tomorrow and inundate them with your concerns about our children wearing masks for school in the fall. DeWine anticipates school will open; however, you know he’ll tack on ridiculous contingencies (i.e. mandated masks). I would make it explicitly clear that you will not support mandated masks for students.

Somewhat surprisingly, for the area of Ohio we’re in, most people seem to be pushing back against that post. My wife, who has historically stayed silent because she knows she’s likely to damage friendships with her views, jumped in:

No one can force your kid to wear a mask. No one can force your kid to get vaccinated. But if you want to be a cowboy and be FREE of BIG GOVERNMENT, don’t send your kid to public school.

Doesn’t seem very complicated.


I have a friend who loves to go to church. Her social life really revolves around it as she is in choir and spends a lot of time there.

She is very much stay safe and she says she doesn’t know when she will feel comfortable going back to church. It is not even close to being on the table. Her church has a service online and that is enough for her.

Churches are going to be one of the worst spots for infection growth in this reopening. It is lunacy.

Honestly, as much of a scumbag douchebag racist fraudulent bigoted dink he is, this seems likely to me that it was going endemic no matter who was in the white house.

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Dinosaurs would have eaten so many people that are alive today.

“Dinosaurs aren’t even real bro!”
“How do we know he got eaten by a dinosaur? Did you see the dinosaur eat him?”
“Only like 1 out of 100 get eaten by a dinosaur it’s cool for me to take a nature walk”
“Yeah I am going to the fire spirit ceremony down by the stream tomorrow. A bunch of us are going!”

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I disagree, I think Obama or Clinton could have kept it down enough to use a 2-month shutdown very effectively, then re-opened with and R<1.

Even if you disagree with me, ceding this point to the right is horrible politics. They own this, don’t let them out of that.

Dinosaurs are jUsT lIkE tHe BiRdS.


I doubt my post here has any material impact on anything whatsoever. But I do find it pretty unlikely that red states would pay any attention at all to a lefty in the white house. They probably would have all been licking doorknobs in March instead of waiting until May if a Democrat was telling them to shelter in place.

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Damn mrs. crab

Trump didn’t tell anyone to shelter in place. Would the red states have tried to defy Hillary though? Maybe.

I know that. But could you imagine if Obama tried to tell Georgia to shelter in place? All I’m saying is this country is so full of retards that it didn’t matter that this particular retard was in charge when it happened we were screwed either way.


Literally anyone else would have had us in a vastly superior place with regards to both testing and tracing in order to facilitate sane reopening.

Now we are just going to wait until death numbers spike which will mean we will have at least two months of huge deaths before we can get things back under control.

Pretty sure trump is the only one capable of screwing that up.

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Not to mention we aren’t using this time, let alone the shutdown time, to prepare for a possible large future spike. I’m sure Trump thinks that makes him look strong or something but it is insanity.

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Pretty sure if Clinton was POTUS, deplorables would be coughing in each other’s faces to show the world that covid19 was a government hoax used to kill off Trump supporters.


You guys aren’t wrong but I imagine the blue states would not be caving like they are if they had actual support, both financial and otherwise, from the federal government.


A couple things:

  1. Tribalism has grown significantly worse under Trump. I’m not saying 2016 was harmonious, but there are absolutely no guarantees we’d have the same current level of extreme inter-party hatred under Clinton.

  2. I think a lot of us are underestimating the impact of Trump’s variably confusing, inconsistent, and antagonistic stances on this. The lack of clear messaging (combined with tribalism and angry ranting) makes it so much easier to justify whatever the hell you want to do while shouting derision at the other side.

  3. A strong, clear leader of either party who just clearly and consistently told people not to kill their goddamn neighbors would just be so tremendously different from what we have now that it’s almost impossible to quantify.