Amazing how anywhere a republican is in charge it’s always the chief scientist who’s the big target (Fauci, Amy Acton, etc). Not just stupid partisan politics though!

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This is making me into a bad person, because the reaction I had to this is very much not what it would have been a few months ago.

“I know people are going to say we’re killing old people, but have you seen the weather??? Have you???” is like way the fuck up there for saying the quiet parts out loud.

@bobman0330 are you renting or buying? Feel bad if you’re buying, because there might be a big shift in the demand for homes in Georgia soon.

The death toll in Brazil reached a total of 17,971 on Tuesday, after a record 1,179 people died in one day. The highest daily toll before Tuesday had been 881 deaths, on 12 May, prompting Donald Trump to consider a ban on travel to the US from Brazil as he declared the huge number of US cases of coronavirus was “a badge of honour”.

After a cabinet meeting on Tuesday at the White House, Trump said: “I don’t want people coming over here and infecting our people. I don’t want people over there sick either,” in relation to Brazil.

When asked if about the possibility of a travel ban, the president said he was considering it and went on to say he saw the large number of US cases as a “badge of honour”.

“You know when you say that we lead in cases, that’s because we have more testing than anybody else,” he said. “It’s a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done.”

The grim new toll came amid warnings that several major cities in Latin America were in danger of being overwhelmed by the virus. More than 85% of intensive care beds are full in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

Brazil overtook Britain on Monday to become the country with the third-highest number of confirmed infections. It has reported a total of 271,628 confirmed cases after a record rise of 17,408 on Tuesday.

President Jair Bolsonaro, an ideological ally of Trump, has been criticised for his handling of the outbreak, which has included opposition to restrictions on movement he sees as too damaging to the economy.

Pan American Health Organization officials said in a virtual briefing they were concerned about the virus’s spread in the tri-border area of the Amazon between Colombia , Peru and Brazil. They urged special measures to protect vulnerable populations among the indigenous, poor and racial minorities.

The World Bank on Tuesday warned that 60 million people could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic and said it anticipated a 5% contraction in the world economy this year, with severe effects on the poorest countries.

The warning came as concerns about the impact of the virus in Latin America grew. In some cities, doctors said patients were dying because of a lack of ventilators or because they couldn’t get to a hospital fast enough.

More than 90% of intensive care beds were full last week in Chile ’s capital, Santiago, whose main cemetery dug 1,000 emergency graves to prepare for a wave of deaths.

In Lima, Peru, patients took up 80% of intensive care beds as of Friday. Peru has the world’s 12th-highest number of confirmed cases, with more than 90,000. “We’re in bad shape,” said Pilar Mazzetti, head of the Peruvian government’s Covid-19 taskforce. “This is war.”


COVID-19: Chapter 4 - OPEN FOR BUSINESS - Come and get your badge of honour

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COVID-19: Chapter 4 - OPEN FOR BUSINESS - Come and get your badge of honor for $19.95, all Trump brand badges of honor are made in China from 100% pure bullshit.

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Now do dead people.


It wouldn’t surprise me if some of them do.


I do own my home, but I value it for its ability to produce housing services, not as a speculative investment. Agree it’s looking pretty grim around here.


The people at Avalon are not my neighbors! That’s like saying a resident of Marin County lives in San Francisco.

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While the US has carried out more tests by volume than any other country, it is not first in the world on a per capita basis, according to Our World in Data, a scientific publication based at Oxford University.

Its chart ranks the US as 16th globally in terms of tests per 1,000 people, ahead of South Korea, but behind the likes of Russia, Canada, Iceland, New Zealand, Israel, Estonia, Italy, Australia, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Austria and Denmark.

Worldometer has the US at #38 but they include micronations and territories.

Cases are still rising here. Yesterday I drove by a baseball diamond. Tee ball is on! 15+ kids and 10 or so parents all huddled up at the backstop. Zero masks.

Latest Chinese cases suggest virus could be changing

Experts in China say the Covid-19 patients they are seeing in the north-east of the country show “different symptoms" and require “longer incubation” than those in the central city of Wuhan at the beginning of the country’s outbreak. Qiu Haibo, one of the country’s top critical care doctors in the National Health Commission’s top medical team, spoke on the national CCTV-13 news channel about the fresh observations his team were making. Dr Qiu said his team were seeing new cases in north-eastern Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces had a longer incubation period, and their clinical symptoms were not typical.

They don’t have a fever, he said, but are suffering from either fatigue or a sore throat. Some have no symptoms at all. He added that the new cases appeared to be carrying the virus for much longer.

According to the national Global Times newspaper, “tests on Wuhan patients normally came back negative within a week or at most two weeks” after a patient shows symptoms.

But now, even though the cases are more curable, people appear to be carrying the virus for “longer periods”.

According to the official Xinhua news agency, 25 people are currently receiving treatment in hospital in north-eastern Jilin.

Heilongjiang province discharged its last patient on Saturday.

So I’ve got the fatigue and have been pretty much casualfanning the science for over a week now but I remember something about the virus not liking hot weather. Is that still a thing? Any verification on that? If true it seems like we could simply find a bunch of empty stadiums/arenas/fields at or near the equator and just do all the sportsball there, no?

Also how does the notion that “heat kills the virus” jive with what I’m hearing about Mumbai getting curbstomped by it right now? It’s pretty hot there according to Slumdog Millionaire.

I’ll hang up and listen.

I think if the weather has anything to do with it, it is because people congregate indoors more when it’s cold.

I think there was literally nothing behind that beyond the usual flu seasons are in spring/fall.

Lol not falling for this one.

They are asking for asymptomatic people to get tested so I signed up. Should be interesting.

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Daily confirmed COVID hospital and nursing home deaths since peak (from Cuomo press conference)
April 8: 799

May 1: 299

May 10: 161
May 11: 195
May 12: 166
May 13: 157
May 14: 132
May 15: 157
May 16: 139
May 17: 106
May 18: 105
May 19: 112

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