NY is saying something similar.

Yeah you expand roster sizes or let them be designated on IR or something, it seems fairly simple. Maybe the union cuts a deal where they get a year tacked onto the back end of their contract or forfeit X% of their pay.

I mean, sure, but I think you could condense the schedule down a fair amount and maybe you do a couple of breaks in there… It’s not like they’d be isolating in a Motel 6, you’d be talking high end hotels where like the entire hotel is the team. If you did pods of teams in Vegas, Orlando, etc, you’d be talking about resorts - and the other families would be there too. In one big way it would be better than being at home: you could safely interact with all of the other isolated families. The bigger issue is what happens with kids when school starts and how many wives have jobs they want to keep working that cannot be done remotely? I’m guessing fairly low among the wives of professional athletes - like most of them who work aren’t in manual labor/essential jobs, they’re in white collar stuff with a lot of either charity work or sports-adjacent stuff.

You could argue it both ways and nobody knows, obviously. I think the people who would crowd into bars would do it anyway, this would just be their reason. I don’t think sports with no fans in hollowed out empty stadiums with weird echoes are going to make people think things are fine, nor are sports with digital fans superimposed on the screen and fake noise pumped in by the networks.

This is mostly true, but not entirely. There is a huge economic loss to businesses around stadiums, and businesses that are connected to sports though.

UFC is barbaric garbage and it blows my mind that it is legal. And if you’ve ever made a “but concussions” post about the NFL, save me your “but actually” UFC takes.


Tv revenue is only really substantial for the major leagues. I dont know whats going to happen to stuff like minor league baseball, which was already in trouble before this.

And once again UP beats the story by days if not longer. There is no way you can look at Florida/Georgia/Texas data and realize something isn’t right.


One thing I’ll give to UFCs favor is that afaik basically no minors train for UFC? It’s something for adults. I’m not a big fan, but kids getting concussions in hockey/football/soccer even is troubling. I got them growing up, got knocked out playing youth sports once. UFC is brutal, but 20 and 30 somethings getting paid for brutality is less troubling for me then kids and teens doing it for free.


I mean, anyone that is still watching football after hearing about 20 year olds offing themselves due to CTE doesn’t exactly have any moral high ground to stand on.

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More people would commit suicide if football didn’t exist than those who get the CTE or go AHern or w/e.

A haunting assessment of the COVID crisis and our society by a NYC emergency room physician. I highly recommend reading the whole thing.

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Their charts and dashboards yes, the raw data tells a different story.

Do you think people die at a different rate in red states? If anything there should be more comorbities because of all the fatso boomer whites. Explain how those three are outliers on confirmed case/death rates? Unless they are just lucky as hell that doesn’t make any sense and it is from the raw stats.

And no it isn’t that they are just awesome at testing. Texas is 41st. Georgia is 24th and Florida is 30th. Every other state on that list is higher and most are in the top 15 in testing.

Texas has a less than 3% CFR with almost no testing. That literally isn’t possible unless somehow they got lucky enough to test a much higher percentage of their infected people than elsewhere while simultaneously testing less people than almost anywhere.

It’s like the AP/UB superuser. You don’t have to know how they are doing it. But the fact somehow these three Republican early opening states are huge outliers in the CFR they are reporting while simultaneously being lackluster at testing tells me something isn’t right with their data.


Yeah. The Philippines is a large poor country that has been dominated by the West and continually has had a significant dependent relationship and most people speak English and they are Christian/Catholic. They fit the bill for poor people who mix with Westerners as servants and health care workers.

Texas seem to have a ton of testing.

That’s in the ballpark of CA adjusted for population. Unless you’re literally faking the test results - running at less than 10% positive is a good result. And they’re way under 10% recently.

Georgia is also running under 10%. I haven’t paid any attention to Florida. They’re so weird I don’t see the as any kind of bellwether.

I never look at CFR - maybe I should. But I just consider IFR (where studies have been done) and look at testing positive % combined with new cases. Or look at new hospitalizations and new ICU where provided. But maybe those are easy to fudge. So I’m not looking at them for negative confirmation that all is well - just positive confirmation that all is not well, if the #s do start to spike.

And again - the guiding principle here is you can only fake the #s for so long. If a hospital crunch comes, people will know. So I believe most states do what to know if that’s coming, and that keeps them from getting too far out of line with the raw #s. They don’t want to be in the position of explaining how they went from 100 cases a day to overloaded hospitals in a week.

The dashboards? Sure they can play stupid games with those all day. Ignore them imo.

California has 40% more per capita testing than Texas. And yet somehow a higher CFR with I would guess an on average more affluent/healthy population. And how you rig the death stats is out in the open. Birx is literally calling states asking them not to list Corona deaths with comorbities. Why would they not be following white house guidance on how to do it as a red state staking their political careers during a dangerous reopening?

So the simple scandal free path to rigging is just to test less than most and assign as few deaths as you can to covid. You really don’t think that is what is happening in most red states?

I feel like you get bogged down in details - which somehow always lead you to the conclusion that everything is always terrible, and getting much worse, in perpetuity.

I’m just trying to figure out what’s going to happen. You can only rig the stats for so long. There were always going to be a ton of deaths. If they get through w/o a hospital crunch then that was pretty much the goal of “flattening the curve” all along - you can label it subterfuge or call it whatever you want.

I’ve reduced my football consumption by like 90% over the past three years or so and I don’t even miss it. I don’t mean to come across as holier than thou --I still watch a few games and I’ll never not watch the superbowl, but it’s a garbage industry on every level.


I dont think things are getting worse in perpetuity. At all. I have posted many times why I actually think we trend down from here for a while. Im saying you have significant statistical outliers specifically with these three early opening states. Give me a rational argument that explains that besides some type of massaging of the numbers?

We always do this and it’s exhausting. I talk about Georgia’s numbers and you tell me why we can’t trust them. I point out well if they do spike that’s pretty damn useful to look at right?

I’m sure red states are stepping on the numbers where they can. That doesn’t mean it’s trivially easy to just fudge everything at will - or that they would want to do that. They want to know if a hospital crunch is coming.

Ya man it’s totally me that is the exhausting one. You literally responded to my post saying I was hardly surprised Georgia was up to shenanigans restarting this same argument. If it is so exhausting to talk about why respond? You have spent months talking about things with little to no evidence like the summer pause is right around the corner, how you may have already had it and your new favorite doozy judging whether or not we are doing the right thing based on Georgia’s numbers. I’m not in here talking every day about how the red state’s data is unreliable. It is literally just in response to the people using it as if it means anything.

There is a fairly important election in 4.5 months. The Republicans do everything they can to cheat at elections. And yet somehow pointing out (over and over) how the data in those states makes no sense is the crazy viewpoint. You keep saying why they wouldn’t do it without addressing that their data is a huge outlier. Explain how you could do less testing than most and have a lower CFR rate by large margins. It isn’t possible. Not to mention they have a huge motive.

I mean their literal platform right now is that it isn’t that bad get back out there to work! And the thought of inexplicable irregularities in their data possibly meaning there is some funny business going on is somehow something past the monsters in charge. At the same time we literally know for a fact Dr. Birx called them and asked them to do it.

There are also lots of states trending the wrong direction. Why focus on a state like Georgia when there are 10+ examples of states trending the wrong direction.


I think there is also a distinction between traumatic head injury being a frequent by-product of a sport and it being the whole point.

Boxing in here as well.

I’m very thankful to my dad who said he wouldn’t drive me to boxing as a kid.