Me either. I guess my confusion come from my assumption that we are going to have new covid cases for years, no matter what we do. Assuming that is correct (?) citing a few new cases as evidence of a failure of a reopening strategy seems odd. We need to be focusing on population based metrics like R0 and ICU beds.

Gotta love that survival rate calculator

Edit: Thatā€™s for someone 80+ with all the underlying medical issues

I suppose it also comes down to where the outbreaks were that led to this uptick and if the government can trace them. For weeks, the Czech government has been trying to push people to use an app that tracks where people go as a kind of electronic contact tracing. It can allow the government to contact people who are found to have been in close proximity to somebody who tested positive for covid19. However, not enough people are using it to make it viable. I can understand why people donā€™t want to use it but itā€™d be nice to be contacted and be tested before even having symptoms to minimize the impact of the virus on you.

I still think phase 3 ends up being on tens of millions of people. (I think Trump is going to waive liability and declare it safe before the third trial ends, if he manages to hold off on doing that before lunch today via executive Twitter fiat.)

And sure he ā€œcanā€™tā€ do it but obviously he can.

That survival calculator seems very ill-advised.

Iā€™m not sure for vaccines. The phase 3 drug trials Iā€™ve been involved with have ranged from 1200 to 2200 subjects. I know late stage vaccine trials will involve a lot more subjects but tens of millions sounds high. (But I admit I have no idea.)

Yeah Iā€™m basically saying Trumpā€™s going to declare Phase 3 unnecessary and turn the American public into guinea pigs.


Xi Jinping: Impartial inquiry, after pandemic controlled

A pointed comment from President Xi, amid calls for an independent review of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He urges a ā€œcomprehensive review of the global response to Covid-19, after it has been brought under controlā€¦ā€ and adds that it should be ā€œconducted in an objective and impartial wayā€.

Xi also pledged $2bn (Ā£1.65bn) to WHO over two years to help with theCovid-19 response and said any vaccines developed against the disease by China will be made a ā€œglobal public goodā€.


Toothy with another homerun. I can see why they all breathlessly follow his stock advice.

No idea how people still look at P&S on 2p2.

Just a dumping ground for shitheads and scumbags.


Every time I go to a job fair, by far the companies with the biggest crowds of job seekers are the cruise industries. They do a good job of making it look glamorous but good Lord all it takes is a 30 second Google search to see itā€™s a shitty industry to get into.


They mostly hire Filipino servers because they can pay them shit while abusing them ruthlessly without consequence.

Not true

Also, apparently 0.3 microns is the hardest size to block, which is why itā€™s the size always used in tests. Smaller particles are actually easier to block thanks to static electricity.

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Speaking of Patriot Act, thereā€™s a new episode out about the rent crisis. Shit is about to get real bad for millions of people.

Yeah saw it yesterday.

A law was passed here where you can forego rent payments from March 12th to June 30th and made it illegal to evict people for not paying rent during that time. Of course after the 30th, you have to pay the whole thing in bulk or come to some agreement with the landlord about paying it off over time.

Oddly enough, the majority of people arenā€™t taking advantage of that either because they donā€™t know about it or have the money to pay.

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Hereā€™s what I would do:

  1. Always keep bathroom fans on.
  2. In your sonā€™s side of the house, close all the air intake vents. Even if itā€™s just taking a piece of saran wrap and scotch tape over the intake vent. No treatment on outlet vents. Your inlet vents stay open. Run HVAC as normal.
  3. Keep windows cracked if weather permits, or wide open if possible.
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Hmm, so sheā€™s using MERV-13 as an insert to a mask made of gown material. I do have some new replacement filters, so I could make some inserts.

Just from googling seems like stage 3 you are feeling pretty shitty, possibly bad enough to seek medical help. Stage 4 is life threatening.

I was at least a 2 after my shingles vaccine.

I have no idea what it typical/acceptable.

Sample size def way to small for real safety determination imo.

Shit that went right over my head lol.

Seems like potentially a major problem with any COVID vaccine.

We donā€™t know that much about COVID, and the disease itself can be anything from a Stage 0 to a Stage 4 depending on the health of the person, and the Stage 4 risk people are the ones who need the vaccine the most. Even if thereā€™s a fraction of a percent chance you stick a 90+ year old person with this thing and they develop really any respiratory symptoms it seems unacceptable, no?

Do they only test this vaccine on healthy, middle aged monkeys?