I still can’t get over the fact that we have 20k+ cases/1k deaths a day and are trending up or flat in all but the most badly originally affected areas and 80% of the population has literally just gone back to normal without a care in the world. Can’t even be bothered to take the slightest precaution.

The areas increasing are almost all predictably the ones that have lifted their restrictions while the states like NY/NJ/MI all continue to trend down with restrictions. It doesn’t take much intelligence to see the correlation. Even people in this forum were waiting to see confirmation in the data that reopening was going to cause increases in cases but have mostly checked out now that it is here. We have some data now. Florida and Texas 7DMA is up over 60% since the end of lockdown on April 30 as well as a whole host of other early reopening states that have at best stayed flat but mostly increased.

The state leadership pretending to do these dumbass phases also pisses me off. None of them meet the criteria to do any of it but they are all full steam ahead and pretending somehow it is responsible. It is going to kill hundreds of thousands of people and barely anyone cares.


Pole dancer with a mask is straight out of some cheesy 80’s sci-fi movie.

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That might be the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.


In retrospect it seems obvious this would happen, given our leaders have purely mercenary interests.

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It’s the only COVID case Republicans want counted.


Holy shit, the table dancers with masks on.

It’s seriously something you would see in an 80s sci fi movie

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The first thing I think to do when unemployed?



My mom just got taken to ICU with breathing issues. She tested negative for covid earlier this week when her issue started. so odd. Wondering if it was false negative.


My county (orange) is completely OPEN FOR BUSINESS without meeting criteria and california leadership has just basically been like “oh well what can we do!”

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In other news there’s now been a positive at my wife’s facility, who she worked with on Saturday. Getting her tested this afternoon. I kind of hope we have it, I really don’t want to do this time in the barrel wondering if I have it again.

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NBA just voted to start crowd less games in Orlando on July 31.

More entertaining:
(A) the games
(B) TMZ stories about players breaking quarantine.


And do what, go to Space Mountain? It’s fucking Orlando.

I have never been to Orlando, but I imagine that in addition to amusement parks, it has both drinking establishments and hotels where one could engage in sexual activity with individuals who are not permitted in the bubble.

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Orlando has to be one of the worst cities of that size anywhere in the world. Did they say what they were going to do when multiple people had Covid after a week?


I think it used to be the Fitzgerald. Which was only a slightly shittier version of the D.

Get there Floriduh! Bars reopen tomorrow!

ETA: authors of the paper that was in The Lancet

Ya that video is nuts.

We have 400 total cases here in our whole province and they are still saying casinos are 6 weeks or more away from opening.

Also the D sucks. No poker and bad restaurants.

Not sure if already shared, good story about how Iceland basically did everything right: massive testing, aggressive contact tracing, etc.

How Iceland Beat the Coronavirus

Iceland never imposed a lockdown. Only a few types of businesses—night clubs and hair salons, for example—were ever ordered closed. Hardly anyone in Reykjavík wears a mask. And yet, by mid-May, when I went to talk to Pálmason, the tracing team had almost no one left to track. During the previous week, in all of Iceland, only two new coronavirus cases had been confirmed. The country hadn’t just managed to flatten the curve; it had, it seemed, virtually eliminated it.

TLDR; Let the public health professionals run things and keep the politicians out of it.