COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

no one is watching this charlatan. If you want to discuss this paper you are likely to have more success linking the paper

Keep up!

Not looking to discuss the study though. I take it ‘as read’.


Excised Tim Hortons to it’s own thread.


I think we call them Timbits in the US.

Boosters increase protection against death from Omicron in over-50s to 95% – UKHSA

Covid boosters increase protection against death from the Omicron variant to 95% in people aged 50 or over, the UK Health Security Agency said on Thursday.

The UKHSA said that about six months after a second dose of any of the Covid vaccines, protection against death with Omicron was about 60% in those aged 50 and over. However, this increased to around 95% two weeks after receiving a booster vaccine dose.

UKHSA added that data continued to show high levels of protection against hospitalisation from the booster. Effectiveness against hospitalisation was 90% for the Pfizer/BioNTech shot , dropping to 75% 10-14 weeks after the booster.

For Moderna, effectiveness against hospitalisation was 90-95% up to 9 weeks after the booster.

“The evidence is clear – the vaccine helps to protect us all against the effects of Covid-19 and the booster is offering high levels of protection from hospitalisation and death in the most vulnerable members of our society,” said Dr Mary Ramsay, head of immunisation at UKHSA.

The UKHSA also issued an initial analysis of vaccine effectiveness against the Omicron sub-lineage called BA.2, which is growing in the UK and Denmark , finding a similar level of protection against symptomatic disease.

After two doses effectiveness was 9% and 13% respectively for BA.1 and BA.2, after 25+ weeks,” the UKHSA said. “This increased to 63% for BA.1 and 70% for BA.2 from two weeks following a booster vaccine.”

Once the US went into lockdown, we saw crazy sales, and those were mainly masturbatory aids.

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Pretty interesting article imo.

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According to a Czech immunologist and epidemiologist, there was an epidemic of RSV in the CR from September to November that mostly affected children. Supposedly there were more cases of RSV than covid during that time frame though no clear numbers were given.

A more disconcerting statement is this (translated from Czech)

Might be true but that’s more ammo for anti-maskers -_-

That’s obvious bullshit RSV hits every year. Everywhere had a bad RSV year, even in the non mask wearing southern USA

Lots of kids got RSV this year because lots of kids didn’t get RSV last year so the solution is that lots of kids should get RSV every year doesn’t quite pass the smell test.

I think it’s also been mentioned that there’s been a lot more testing for RSV, because they often do it at the same time as the COVID test. May not apply in CZ, of course.

Meh it’s very ymmv on this one. We do RSV for everyone admitted along with flu and Covid, but we’re not supposed to do it if it’s someone not being admitted for respiratory symptoms or if they’re <2 years.

It was a bad RSV year according to our local data and all the pediatricians I work with.

I imagine we may get some interesting studies on this in a few years but it seems to me like it’s been a bad everything year and that the tradeoff for locking down for a cold and flu season is a weaker immune response the next year to all the normal viruses and bugs circulating.

Obviously it’s worth it when the other side of the trade is avoiding COVID.

I really doubt it. Flu was not bad this year at all. RSV is just bad sometimes. A lot of the sick RSV kids weren’t even alive last year.

Can’t get elective surgery, but at least you can eat popcorn in a movie theatre! Priorities, people!

“Elective” surgery is a real fucking messaging fail. “Oh, boy, I’m bored, maybe I’ll get some surgery today.”

Went to a gas station here in Tucson. About 7 people. My N95 was the only mask. Cloth masks no longer allowed at the hospital.

Dad is back to about 80%. When fresh he can walk with balance and his language is all back. But when tired or stressed he falters. (They had him count by 3s and walk). So tomorrow it’s off to inpatient rehab.

He got lucky. No full blockage. They determined a heart a fib episode likey threw the clot. Responded to afib treatment. But he has injured brain cells recovering vs trying to compensate for tons of dead brain cells (my layman’s understanding). Full recovery or pretty close expected.

Brother is coming tomorrow to relieve me. I’m heading home sometime this weekend depending on weather back east.


Looks like the worst of the storm is going to miss the Philly area, so hopefully your travel isn’t impacted! Glad they are expecting a full recovery or close to it!

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Can now get paxlovid to anyone as long as you have some sort of preexisting condition. I can get it now