COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Oh no…

I see it coming

I mean sure these people find viruses all the time but still…feels like we run bad at this stuff as of late

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Vaccines still seem pretty damn effective


Yeah, I can’t imagine doing my job while successfully dodging COVID (as of right now) without being vaccinated.

Sure but I guess the stats are HEAVILY skewed as the vaxxed cases are more likely to be asymptomatic, less likely to test, let alone have PCR’s that may be recorded.

I guess I’m saying the vaxxed cases graph is bullshit but hospitalisations and deaths stand strong and that’s where it’s at.

Citation needed.

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Churchill when he reads something on BBC:

Churchill when Nurse Dr John posts something on YouTube:

The difference between these two? Nothing.

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There are some parallels between how the Omicron surge is receding in the UK and how the Alpha surge receded across the US back in February-April of 2021. In that case there was a drop, then it leveled off and went up for a week or so, then it resumed it’s drop. Hopefully that is happening here as well. It is also possible that the delta drop would have followed a similar path if not for the fact that omicron surged when it did.

Many other variables change in one country eg school holidays, changing rules re distancing and masks etc. England is newly fully open so I’d be surprised to see the drop resume.

I guess we’ll see. UK’s 7dma is currently the lowest it has been since December 21 per the nytimes tracker:

Ok? As less people get sick, less people get tested…. Has the positivity rate stayed the same or gone up? Because posting the testing data without the positivity rate is pretty lol.

We’re told no need for PCR after postive LFT, hence the case numbers, based off PCR only have dropped a little

OK Bud, you must have watched more of his vids than me.

He did. Sorry bud. That’s his schtick

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So the positivity rate is declining, the number of tests are declining, and the number of cases are declining, but maybe cases are actually increasing because reasons?

Did you miss the R0 graph? It’s the bottom right one

Sure didn’t. Did you actually read my post that you were responding to?:

What about your R0 graph contradicts my post in any way?

Officials tested each returning passenger three times in nearby Fiji, required that they be vaccinated, and put them in quarantine with additional testing when they arrived home.
It wasn’t enough.
More than half the passengers tested positive for the virus, which has now slipped out into the community and prompted the government to declare a state of disaster.

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Wow, somehow Mormonism was only the second worst thing they were trying to spread.