COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!


I realize Iā€™m a broken record at this point, but the messaging fails about the vaccines being ineffective against omicron really were terrible. Good to see more and more data showing that to be bullshit.


Seconded. Something has to change. Thats a good first step

Im in this camp as well. Still a pretty good chance a very dangerous mutation happens with this shit

More really good news with todayā€™s Covid Numbers.

First: The UK is now down 40 percent off itā€™s 7dma peak hit only 12 days ago:

NY is down 23 percent off itā€™s 7dma peak hit only 6 days ago:

Florida 7dma down 11 percent since what looks like the peak 3 days ago:

The US as a whole just experienced itā€™s first decrease in 7dma since December 14th. Increasingly likely that hte US peak as a whole was hit yesterday or today.

Finally, South Africa cases continue to fall off a cliff, 7dma now down 79 percent from peak.


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Glad to see cases down for sure. Have a hard time calling the current numbers good news yet. Still an absurd amount of cases and our state hospitals sent out a missive today begging for public help because they are on the verge of collapse. We need to get cases down well below where they were heading into this surge to give healthcare system room to breathe. So fingers crossed for about 60-90 more days of this news.

Edmonton, Canada. Pretty sure my wife has the 'roney. Double vaxxed, no booster. She has a terrible cough, and an intermittent low fever. She took the online assessment and it advised her that she doesnā€™t qualify for a test, which is weird because weā€™ve been advised to test for less in the past. System must be beyond capacity.

In the last month sheā€™s left the house exactly one (1) time, about 2 weeks ago to get her flu shot. Iā€™ve been to maybe 4-5 places in that time: flu shot (with her), booster shot, hardware store, grocery, takeout. Maybe I have it and am asymptomatic-ish? Iā€™m having a bit of trouble with my lungs maybe, but itā€™s hard to tell because my lungs are always not great because of damage from previous lung cancer.

So, despite being really careful, it appears that it has made itā€™s way into my house. I donā€™t really have a point, just adding an unstuck data point.


Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s only one explanation for this, and Iā€™m sure @CaffeineNeeded will concur




Sorry, this needed a callback


Oh, yeah, itā€™s still really bad, I didnā€™t mean to imply it wasnā€™t. Itā€™s just less bad. I woudlnā€™t want to have a heart attack or stroke or break a leg or get shot or get into a car accident right now.


Are you going to isolate?

Can you get rapid tests anywhere?

Itā€™s not good out there by any means, but itā€™s always felt that the right side of the peak is much broader than the left side (not true everywhere every wave, but itā€™s been that way for the US bulk numbers and in CA and OR, where Iā€™ve watched the most). Seeing such a sharp drop off is at least cause for optimism that itā€™s not going to be this bad through fucking April or some shit.

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Oh I know, just man, we need this straight shot down REALLY bad so fingers crossed.

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California looks like itā€™s still got a couple of days before peak unfortunately. You guys are lagging the East Coast.

In OR now, but OR is behind CA.

Yeah the next question is where it plateaus. My concern is we are just starting to get good masks and tests to everyone and it is all going to get punted in a couple of weeks because cases are going down. We really need to get cases down to a low number for the sake of the healthcare system, it is barely surviving this wave. We get Pi or some shit without respite and I donā€™t want to even think about it.

Definitely glad we are seeing the straight shot down so far

No rapid tests to be found, AFAICT, in my area. Iā€™m not doing much for special precautions, I assume if sheā€™s got it Iā€™ve been plenty exposed already, and with her minimal interactions itā€™s likely I was the carrier anyway and just didnā€™t know it. Kissy-time is off the table for now, but weā€™re still interacting in the same room.


I dont think you should necessarily assume.

Mrs rugby stayed negative after 2 nights with me at what I assume was peak infectiousness.

Are there tests available for order online?

Worth trying to get anyway. As they can help you decide when to come out of isolation at the other end of this.