COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Delivery date is not ideal.

Yeah, Iā€™ just mean you can start to build up a reserve of them using htat.

They are on local drugstore shelves in the Philly burbs now. I think the peak is passing here like NY.

I hear Mr Biden is setting up a website where Americans can get a free kit (Mask and LFTā€™s)

Might be up and running for the next wave, I guess

EDIT: OK, Wednesday (posted more for non-USAā€™ers, sure you guys aware)

He also said the White House will make high-quality masks available for free, with details coming out next week.

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I went to a bar today and the guy two seats away (thatā€™s important!) shows me this meme:

Thatā€™s the meme but I made this particular one myself so itā€™s over his eyes.

Point is, I caught covid today.




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Canā€™t find myself to quote from a few hours ago,b it yeah, that seemed really suspect.

Nice name you got there. :joy:


Thread title is perfect. Weā€™ve given up a a country and let the MAGAtards win. Tyranny of the minority.

My parents traveled to Floridab for a work event, WHICH WAS ALSO LIVE STREAMED, and got COVID.

Of course I work with my mom so she came in to the office before testing positive and gave it to me (again) as well as two other employees. My dad ended up at the ER last night with a 106 fever (unvaxxed ldo) and they sent him home within hours after his temp dropped.

Oh and per my sisterā€¦ said her colleagues in the ICU are allowed to come into work while pozzed up as long as they donā€™t have symptoms. Yes - covid positive nurses can work in the ICU treating NON-COVID patients.

Iā€™m beyond over all of this shitā€¦and of course my parents are still digging their heels in and have learned absolutely nothing. Right wing propaganda has beyond fucked us as a country.


Hmmā€¦current CDC guidelines say you donā€™t need to quarantine if you are up to date on vaccinations and have no symptoms, but should still get tested at least five days after.

I saw a headline today that some hospitals are requiring nurses to use sick days if they get Covid.

The end game is to treat COVID like any normal cold/flu, and the powers that be are ready for the end game. A few (hundred thousand) (extra) peasants may die as a result, but thatā€™s a sacrifice theyā€™re willing to make.

And the powers that be this time pretty much include the middle class and up, and include most liberals. The overwhelming majority of people are ready for the working class, service sector, nurses and teachers to shut the fuck up and get back to work already. If you donā€™t believe me, talk to some liberal friends and donā€™t act like a covid hawk when they feel you out to see if they can let their true thoughts fly.

Iā€™m kind of half looking forward to the reaction when nurses and teachers start walking off the job en masse.


Iā€™m rooting for this to happen.


I donā€™t know if we can do another wave without some failure point with nursing.

106! I pushed 105 once and was delirious. The ex worked at night. Apparently I called her and didnā€™t make sense so she came home and said she could feel the heat from the bedroom door about 10 feet from me.

Minor ER visit with an IV did the trick. Though I felt like shit for days. No idea what I had. Ex was mega annoyed with me for needing to come home and then needing to not leave home alone with the kids the next night when she had plans with friends. Handwriting on the wall in hindsight.


And then the virus lands the real knockout blow. As I said before, Omicron is just a feint Mother Nature is throwing at us to make everyone overconfident.


What about the swollen testicle thing