COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’ve been back to curbside pickup only, n-95 when I have to be around other people at work, since the beginning of December. On the other hand i faded Covid despite my wife getting it, and despite me sleeping in the same bad as her at a time when you would think she woudl be contagious, so I’m not sure if what I am doing is rational at this point.

You bring up an aspect of this I’m very curious about that I don’t think we have an answer to. Let’s say the attack rate of Omicron within a household is 70%. (I’m making up a number to facilitate discussion here, I didn’t look it up.)

If your wife has it and you don’t get it, you won as a 30-70 underdog. Now, here’s the question: does that have any bearing on your odds if exposed again? Like are these independent 30-70’s, or is the 30% just made up of people with stronger immunity for whatever reason?

The answer would answer this:

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I’m in a similar situation with respect to school. I even kept my kids out of school the last week before break and the first week after break. My wife was even looking to getting a medical exemption to keep the younger one out longer before he tested positive. My older child went back to school today.


I’m (hopefully) getting shoulder surgery in 3 days, so I’ve been hermiting it up recently. Not going anywhere outside of the necessary doctor’s appts. The last thing I need is a delay because I tested positive.


Yeah, I don’t know. Is the fact that I was triple-vaxxed with moderna what protected me? (As opposed to my wife who had pfizer). Did I get exposed to Covid and then fight off infection? Did the fact that I fought off infection create any extra immunity in the same way that actually developing Covid disease and then getting better would have created additional immunity? I’m still erring on the side of heavy precautions, but I definitely have incomplete information as to whether that is necessary at this point.

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Zero is obviously an impossible goal.

Still have yet to eat inside any restaurants the whole pandemic.

Kid is in school (masks required and doing all they can, while still being in person) we do food pickup and grocery runs in KN95’s. We only mingle with a handful of local friends indoors without masks and rarely. Haven’t since before Christmas though. Wife has to work in the hospital, but she is in Oncology so only sees Covid patients if they are in for treatment etc.

I did go to a movie recently, but I bought my ticket last minute when I saw it was basically empty and I won’t do that again till I’ve had time to develop symptoms (probably 2 weeks between)

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I’m still going to the office (don’t have a remote work option). 6 month old son is still going to Day Care.

Have started wearing a KN95 as my mask whenever leaving the house, but I’m basically counting on:

  1. Seems to be no way to avoid it for 3+ months without taking extended leave from work or disrupting my life in a major way

  2. Wife and I are 2x vaxxed + boosted

  3. Cases in infants don’t seem to be leading to deaths with any alarming frequency. If our son does get it, we live in a city with excellent hospitals and we have good health insurance.


Anchoring effect. There’s not much COVID dumbassery that should be surprising or shocking to people who have studied cognitive biases.

Any time my wife and I have met up with older relatives and kept our masks on they’ve gotten offended and asked us if we’re scared we’re going to get sick from them so it’s cool that your parents understand that you’re wearing the mask to protect them.


NSW has 94% of 16+ year olds double-vaxxed, with an additional 1% single-vaxxed.

50% of ICU patients are unvaccinated.


Son’s day care had multiple positive tests today which means by their policies they are closing down for 10 days.

All 3 of us tested negative today, but now it’s a scramble to figure out sick days for us to cover child care duties.


Co-worker is a healthy 35 year old. 2x vax plus boosted. Has COVID, just went to ER with super low heart rate. WTF.


That’d be a very strange severe Covid presentation

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Usually it’s some weird tachycardic arrhythmia.

Cant think of a single time I say a severe bradycardia caused by a virus. I’m sure it’s possible.


Dude is 81 and has had the same job for forty fucking years. FFS he took office during Reagan’s first term. His tolerance for jackassery is much higher than mine.

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He definitely looks quite spry for 81, I’d have put the o/u at 72.

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China is still so strict because they can’t afford an Omicron wave across the entire country. If the Western world has local supply issues because too many people are sick and hospitals that are stretched than a similar wave in China would be a disaster for the government. For China it is much easier to continue hard lockdowns when needed as that is just putting boots on necks in single cities or even neighbourhoods at the time.

Francis Collins looking okay at 71. Just retiring this year IIRC.


I know there’s almost no chance this isn’t in my future also, but there’s almost nothing I can do about it.