COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I know you are prejudiced against anything American, but there is a Telegraph link there for you if you wish. It’s paywalled, though.

That’s a big part of the issue.

But honestly, the issue isn’t that complex. Our evidence available to us is far from perfect, but the highest quality evidence very much goes one way and it’s far from nothing. The evidence for the lab leak is basically ‘china spooky’, ‘the lab is right there’ and ‘this agency report leaked says maybe’.

If we get more evidence then reasonable people can change their minds on what’s most likely, and the uninformed will claim some sort of superiority if the balance of evidence ever actually changes as if they were ever right.


The only thing I saw about lab leak looking at some stuff last night was something about furin sites or furin cleavage? Do you know what that is?

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We discussed that very early on in the origins thread. Furin shit is beyond what I can comfortably comment on, but the conclusions I remember was that early concerns about it being a sign of genetic manipulation fell through, even among the people who originally proposed it.

Yea googling now seems to agree, was looking at lab leak conspiracy shit and that shit was all they were talking about as far people suggesting it was man made

Ok I found this thread which I’ve yet to go completely through, but she’s great so I’ll post it basically blind

Yea the stuff I had seen last night was scientists acting like they can’t understand how that could get into it without human intervention but I think those were older quotes and it can without human intervention

No one this side of the pond is going to take your Murdoch and Telegraph links seriously.

Choose your sauces more wisely.


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So jal you want to take a shot on what the actual evidence for a lab leak is?

Is it your claim that no one actually gave a quote to the Telegraph? Because that would be quite bold, and that is the only thing I’m citing it for.


Do you feel like you’re susceptible to any kinds of talking points? :upside_down_face:

People with good dietary hygiene suffer terrible consequences?

Based on what? Any actual data referenced? But of course he knows things we don’t. Bullshit.

On the other side of the case there is this-read the whole thread. Omg there are full reference links with data and evidence. *no politics included, sorry

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And we know what’s driving this here…

Who is this River Tam guy?

A nobody, but does provide citations

The FBI can think what they want, but why would they be on the media circuit parading this opinion? Same reason as the Pentagon paraded the story about the balloons. The same reason the State Department is out parading opinions about Chinese propaganda. It’s a coordinated effort to build support for a more militant position against China.


Why not lead with “it was China” years ago then?