COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I skimmed through the first 40 comments or so and they are 100% anti-vax. We’re toast.

The article literally says it’s from damage from covid. Insane.

A lot of it is likely due to hospitals keeping non-emergency patients out during the pandemic which led to people delaying routine examinations that would have discovered these things in advance before they became fatal.

The whole vaccine = heart attacks is lolbad

At this point we’re committed to covid killing tons of people forever, there is no shot at any kind of population immunity, it just ain’t happening. So I suppose enjoy dying more forever idiots. Don’t wanna get vaxed cuz its gonna give you a heart attack? Enjoy having more heart attacks idiots. I just can’t anymore.


ehhh prob not. You don’t screen for heart disease much in the 25-44 age group.

I mean, a football player got hit so hard his heart stopped and they blamed THAT on the vaccine, so.

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Then they made up that the football player was literally dead.

lol I missed that. Did they cast an actor to begin playing him, or is it AI, or…?

You could barely see him in the suite through the snow. Something is fishy!

Now that he’s cavorting around at NFL honors, it’s gone straight down the memory hole. But of course not subtracted from the giant pile of fishy situations in their minds. Just like Hunter Brown.

The NBC piece that came out a week ago was very careful to lead with Covid>>>>vax in terms of heart issues.

Oh and the correlation with Covid cases starts well before the vax was available.

(Presuming that the 25-44 age group is not significantly impacted by lack of care access issues due to health system overload that could be a significant factor in olds)

But of course that doesn’t matter.

She has previously had Covid and is understood to be fully vaccinated and is said to be in “good spirits” and resting.

In England, latest data shows about 96% of people in Camilla’s 75-79-year-old age group are vaccinated, with 78.7% having their most recent vaccination three to six months ago.

Isn’t 400% of 0 still 0?

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They were always getting paid, just by the Feds.

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Sigh. Add me to the ranks of the twice infected (maybe even 3x if that mystery 48-hour fever with no other symptoms back in mid-March of 2020 was COVID, guess I’ll never know). Went out with a couple over the weekend that’s usually pretty careful, the wife calls us the next day to say she woke up feeling like shit and was already testing positive. Few days later we both get it.

I’m kinda having a speedrun version of my last infection and just working from home, my wife on the other hand is miserable, mostly just with the driest, sorest throat she’s ever had. She was the last one in the family to catch it, which is crazy as she’s been working in an urgent care throughout the pandemic (although obviously masking continuously at work).


Bad CEOing if he hasn’t learned you can just say “fuck you, no” without consequences.

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Just tested positive for the first time.

It was a good run.


New big thing in the antivaxxer-verse

I literally lined up at the first possible opportunity to get a needle in my arm, but I can kind of understand having some hesitation when the vaccines first rolled out. But at this point billions and billions of people have been vaccinated. These people need to ask themselves - how many people do I know who have been impacted by COVID, and how many by the vaccine?

It sounds like they are asking themselves that and anything bad that happens to anyone they know is automatically due to vaccine, so the evidence against vaccination accumulates rather quickly.

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There’s so much antivax stuff online that it’s incredibly easy to fall into it.