COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!


It goes
VP and Director or just Director
Managing Director
SVP I think
Then a few more levels

I mean science nerds do lots of dangerous shit because it leads to important breakthroughs that benefit humanity. If the conspiracists hate it, then I guess I default to loving it and want some more of it.

It’s not just conspiracists. There’s a legitimate debate over whether gain-of-function research, basically building doomsday viruses in a lab, is more dangerous than it’s worth.

I assume the gist is that over time and with enough mutation, the doomsday virus is going to build itself anyhow so we’d prefer to get a head start on figuring out how to kill it with fire? I guess the devil is probably in the details, but I suppose I want people trying to get ahead of nature.

Have you not watch any movies? Where the hell do you think Zombies causing viruses come from other than secret government or multinational conglomerate labs.

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Amead clearly doesn’t Resident Evil

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Recently stumbled upon this fella that is claiming to be a former left (current centrist), MD/PhD student spreading lots of opinions that go against the grain regarding COVID vaccines. He wrote this opinion piece for Newsweek and is becoming a bit of a rallying cry “see I told ya” for the modern right.

My read is that he has actually been a right winger the whole time, he’s just early on in his transition into full on grift (similar to some of the other young right grift brigade). I tried searching Twitter for older posts to validate this hypothesis, but he seems to have deleted 67k tweets a few days before that article was released :thinking:. I found some entries on the internet archive with his Twitter bio as a medical student in 2014 and a 4th year MD/PHd student in 2018. That kinda distracted me from my original goal because then I started googling, “How long does it typically to become a doctor in the US” because his current Twitter bio sill says he’s a MD/PHd student.

Anyway, it gave me a top lel to see him tweeting about communicating with nuance after the above article and deletion of a metric shitload of tweets.

The dude is a fucking medical student. He knows approximately nothing. Yes, that’s an order of magnitude more than a layperson, but it’s also an order of magnitude lese than people who have been doing science for a living for decades.

Also, based on my 20s skimming of the article, it looks like his article has very little substance with respect to issues of scientific fact.

He’s gonna make a fantastic grifter.


Damn, moving pretty quick tbh

Fuck, this guy is good at this.

Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that a protein called LRRC15 hampers COVID infection by providing an inactive binding target that decoys it away from ACE2. LRRC15 is expressed naturally a bunch of places in the body, but they found that expression is greatly increased in the lungs of people with COVID infections. A group at Imperial College London independently found that low levels of LRRC15 in the bloodstream is a correlate of severe COVID, so the theory is that failure to produce enough of this protein can lead to severe disease.


Guessing this won’t make the same JAQ rounds in the anti-vaxx circuit as the original report of this healthy young athlete suddenly dropping dead.

Oh it will make the rounds and it will be made out to be further evidence.

If they found a stab wound in his chest/heart that would still support the anti vax theories.

I hate to even ask this, but are the truckloads of folks who continue to die from covid disproportionately unvaxed still?

Here’s a publication by the CDC from just a couple of days ago.

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I know a number of adults who’ve only gotten the original two alpha shots. It’s not clear if they still have some or significant protection now against hospitalization and death?

Edit: At least from one of the graphics in the article, the death rate remains significantly lower for those who received the first two shots only vs. the unvaccinated.

Wish that had a table rather than dense paragraphs but that is definitely the info I was looking for, thanks. Want to be prepared with some simple “vaccinated people die x% less than unvaxed dipshit moron clowndummies”.

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I like how the “suddenly dropped dead because of getting COVID” never enters the anti-vaxx conversation.

Yea I’m told this is obviously due to the vaxx