COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

96 posts were merged into an existing topic: Omicron, Boosters, and Asymptomatic Spread

10 minutes ago, my kidā€™s pre k teacher (heā€™s in kinder now) came by to pick up some stuff but didnā€™t want to come in because she was afraid she had covid. She couldnā€™t get an appointment for test but we had an extra one. Sure enough she was positive.


Beware the people saying with or for covid:

That is 100% for covid, not with.


It seems like the only symptom the general public is aware of is fever since itā€™s the only thing businesses bother to check to screen people.

I tweeted that at Nate. Not that is will do any good but I feel better.

78=80 certainly within any limit of certainty.

Sent this article to my friend, and her response was, ā€œI kind of want all these nut bars to drink their own pee for a while.ā€

How do we spread the word that contact with glass, plastic, metal, or other surfaces inactivates the covid-protection properties of urine, so straight from the source is the only effective way?


I didnā€™t read everything but it doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s a way to get reimbursed for tests bought before this coming Saturday but it also doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s a shitload of paperwork to deal with and thereā€™s also this

As part of the requirement, the Administration is incentivizing insurers and group health plans to set up programs that allow people to get the over-the-counter tests directly through preferred pharmacies, retailers or other entities with no out-of-pocket costs.

You know what country is really dangerous? The freakin USA.

Hypothetically getting on a plane for Germany in 2 weeks.

Chinaā€™s zero Covid policy makes no sense post vaccines. Covid is going to last 50 years over there.

Yes, itā€™s this exactly. China was a model of how to handle this in a pre-vaccine world. They saved millions of their citizenā€™s lives. For all their faults the should be lauded for what they did.

However, they are definitely not a model of how to handle this in a post-vaccine world.

From my brother. Iā€™m going to break out the guillotine for my own sister.


motherofgod this is a thing

How to make natural hydroxychloroquine naturally with ease,ā€ the title of the video reads.

The video encourages viewers to boil grapefruit and lemon peel in water for several hours. After cooling and draining the ingredients, the juice is poured into jars.

The individual filming the content tells users to have ā€œtwo tablespoonsā€ of the juice per day.

In fairness. Thatā€™s probably one of the least harmful of these things.


Roman could crush on this if they can get in

Mom breaking bad

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I was way, way, way more afraid of what homemade HCQ was going to be than this.

Drano (hydroxy) + bleach (chloro) + tonic water (quinine) maybe?


China number 1 , would still take their policy over the lol United States. Pure cope to think otherwise. Weā€™re still getting hundreds of thousands of people killed over here