COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’d say this is a little bit more than minimal, like I don’t feel great, but nothing to complain about for sure.

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Never had more than a sore arm for any of these shots. It’s not clear if that’s good or bad.


No idea if there is any correlation (pretty sure there’s not), but I keep telling myself that the 102 fever and multiple days of feeling like hell means the vaccine is doing what its supposed to. Also have had very high antibody levels the three times I’ve been tested for a study, so yay science!


It’s weird, it could be getting a little older but I’ve never had body aches when I’ve had flus in the past and I’ve had a lot of 103+ flus.

I am still getting over a cold (multiple negative COVID tests including pcr) and it’s kicking my ass. My bullshit theory is that since I haven’t had a cold in 3 years, my body has forgotten how to deal with them to some extent. I’m sure there are many other plausible explanations, of course.

Another plausible explanation, that I have recently found to be true, is that getting older sucks.

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Several nasty viruses going around right now. Big problem for children’s hospitals basically nationwide

You’re never going to believe how this turned out.



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That’s paywalled but I’m going to guess the basic logic at this point is deaths = unvaccinated population plus bad public policy = Republicans = white people.

Deaths also skew heavily towards the elderly now and white people live to old age more.

I think they tried to age adjust it, but medical
twitter had some criticisms of how they did it.

Is our children learning?

Sad trombone sound:


Yeah, one of the weakest lines of argument pro public health twitter takes is trying to minimize the damage caused by school closures as part of their (sensible) attempts to advocate for and defend COVID mitigation efforts. The collateral damage of school closures was catastrophic. That doesnt mean we had much of a choice, especially pre vaccination, but man this was a high cost.

Makes it even sadder how we have no completely abandoned mitigation.

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Several misconceptions here, main one being that it wasn’t two years of conscious policy, it was one year in the vast, vast majority of places. DC told teachers that they were coming back in February 2021 before we even knew the vaccine would be available.

Other than maybe SF and maybe handful of other places, disruptions after April 2021 were mainly general clusterfuckery like ongoing quarantines and labor shortages from the pandemic rather than conscious policy.

Next, it was not the kids dying that was the main problem in the first year when, it was the teachers and staff that were way more more vulnerable to dying. A critical mass of teachers would have rightly told them to fuck off if the state tried to force them back anytime in 2020. They weren’t going back into germ factories for shit pay.

Would it have been politically feasible to give them hazard pay to induce them to take the risk like nurses got via “traveling nurse” position? Maybe but I don’t think so and haven’t seen any of the critics come at it from that angle.

Something has run through my family since last week. Started like a normal head cold but has moved into my throat and chest. I’m on day #2 of not being able to speak above a whisper.

Same thing’s happening in the Czech Republic. The government actually adjusted the school leaving exams to make them easier to pass during the pandemic but hasn’t completely adjusted them back to pre-covid standards yet. The slight rollback to normal led to a spike in failing tests and further rollback will be worse.

Yeah ive got a fire poker down my throat right now. Not fun

Yep some congestion heading down into the lungs making folks sound like garbo and hack up green goop is the flavor of the month here as well.

Seemed perfectly financially feasible to offer a lot more to teachers and to listen and accept what demands they had at the time. In addition to the kids paying a price on that screw up, you still have teachers leaving now and I’d venture a guess that it isn’t because they’re afraid to go to icky classrooms but because they’re underpaid - and that’s also something that should never happen.

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