COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Just catching up, but I think yearly physicals are free from the Obamacare legislation and you all should do it.

I’m 48 and have been getting yearly physicals and blood work every year since I turned 40. I recommend you do the same.

Lots of things have good outcomes when caught early…


So, how many J&J’s did you get?

As others have pointed out before, Pfizer and Moderna result in the production of the same antigen. But I guess they get there slightly differently (very slightly, I think). So I suppose it’s possible that some might respond better to one than another (I don’t believe there is any evidence for this, but I guess it’s possible, which would justify mix and match).

I’m at 2 Pfizers and 2 Modernas. I wanted Moderna even before it was cool, but Pfizer was what was easily available to me at the beginning so that’s what I took. When time came for boosters, I was able to choose. I was actually kicking around the idea of J&J and I might have done it if the updated vaccines didn’t become available.

even if you know you’re 100% healthy you should still get regular checkups, because when you do get sick the easiest way to catch it very early is to see a deviation from an established baseline

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I’ve had 2 Novavax, 2 Pfizer and 1 Moderna. Come at me.

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Looks like you can schedule the new bivalent booster shot online now through

Hmmm, it says I can in principle, but it looks like I can only book a regular Moderna booster. Has anyone been able to book a bivalent shot specifically?

not available in my zip yet

This is what I see, I’m assuming booster dose here is the bivalent booster. When I click through, it says COVID-19 Moderna but doesn’t mention anything else about it being the bivalent.

Limited distribution so far. Chicago’s initial allocation is only 200k.

Vermont is saying that some walk-in clinics are expecting to have the bivalent booster on the 7th.

Hope that’s accurate.

Same, but I think that means a regular moderna booster, but I’m not sure.

Yeah I’m not 100% now. I went to Walgreens and their site is much more clear. Updated formula starting next Weds. Booked an appointment. Have some travel coming up and happy to get it ASAP.


Thanks. Booked Walgreens for Wednesday.

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Which one is everybody picking (assuming given the choice)?

Got moderna today at noon at cvs in the Cleveland area. Arm’s a little sore now.


Walgreens was only offering Pfizer. I haven’t reviewed the data to see if there’s much difference. Given that it’s largely based on animal models, I would expect that the uncertainty in how that translates to humans is large compared with the observed differences between the two.

According to this article

Doctors and immunologists said that in general, people should wait around four to six months after immunization or infection.

So, since I had COVID toward the end of May, I’ll get the new booster sometime in October or November, which should also give me maximum protection for holiday travel etc.

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so when can I just walk in the pharmacy and get one? now?

i know the conventional thinking and what WHO recommends is mixed vaccines, I have all pfizer in me, so I guess it is moderna.



I just booked Walgreens for updated Moderna next Friday.

I’m only 3.5 months out from my last booster, so I assume it’s OK to get this one now, especially since the Walgreens website allowed me to make the appointment?

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