COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’m basically at 2019 levels of taking precautions and have been since I got vaccinated over a year ago. How my family hasn’t gotten it, especially with 2 little kids at a babysitter and preschool, is beyond me. We had a family funeral a few weeks ago. My cousin’s and sisters family’s both got it from that. We somehow dodged it. My mom just got back from a vacation, and is now pozzed. I’m probably jinxing us into it right now.

I selected basically never but I would wear one in the grocery store (wife has been going) and I do wear one when I go to the pharmacy, medical offices, or other types of places vulnerable people are forced to go. Like if for some reason I needed to enter a bank, I would wear a mask. Out to eat, no. Amusement park, no. Etc.


I haven’t worn a mask since they were no longer declared mandatory in April.

I wear them on airplanes when I travel. Even if COVID wasn’t a thing I probably still would. A KN95 doesn’t bother me at all for 3-4 hours. I feel like I used to get sick too often when I flew.

I answered “grocery stores”, but am basically where you’re at.

I do wear them at grocery stores and banks, etc. Not for any outdoor activity. Have only been eating at home or outside (because we only get to do that for a few months in northern New England). Would definitely wear one on a bus or plane. Did wear one at the AEW show earlier this month.

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Risk isn’t the only calculus for me. I wear one shopping if there are a lot of people because who cares why not. I wore one on all my flights and in all airports on my recent US trip. I don’t wear one in settings where I am interested in having human interactions. Like if I was in a crowded bar talking with friends I would not wear one even if not eating/drinking despite the fact that that is hugely more high risk than a grocery store.

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Fauci has announced his retirement. An American hero.


Dry cough. Fatigue. Slight fever.

Do I have the 'rona?

Or any one of a million other viruses. Test, and treat it like you do until you get results, but any time you are sick it is still more likely than not that you have not covid then you have covid, just based on the law of averages.


I’m betting on the rona here. gl/gl

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Fabulous just pozzed on a rapid test. Any advice on how to get paxlovid at 830 pm on a Friday hugely appreciated.




Urgent care tomorrow prob best bet.

What about an online appt w your practice? (Bored’s doctors office)

There are a number of 24/7 telehealth services available where you can probably pull this off.

Weekend makes that less likely. There might be telehealth available too. Lots of insurances are weird with those

Telehealth. That’s the word I couldn’t think of.

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Is Paxlovid even useful for the young and healthy? Last Israeli study said no.

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I assumed that if he was asking, he probably had some risk factors.

I’m young and relatively healthy other than being on a gut specific immunosuppressant that shouldn’t really be a huge risk factor. Getting on Paxlovid at a minimum has a psychological benefit that after fading covid for 2.5 years at least I was doing something to fight it. That alone was worth taking it imo.

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