COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

There have been 62,399 new cases of Covid-19 in the UK, according to the latest government figures. But the cases for Scotland will not be added until Monday.

That’s cases I guess but if you see the small print below the above 3 graphics, all hospital numbers are from 27th (NK hacking our reporting systems again)

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I heard a non-unionized worker at a place where a vote to have a union failed lament that a union would be helpful in fighting any vaccine requirements or other COVID policies they find onerous. Go unions or lol anti-vaxxer?


Something something, “But we must look at the R0 numbers because cases are actually increasing to infinity” something something.

Spectacularly good news though.

Best of luck. I don’t know what I’d do with someone close that dies unvaxxed.


A25 to T4 at ATL with a backpack and roller suitcase. <7 mins. Caught the train perfect.

Seatmate gave me a Ricola to help me stop coughing. Running up the escalator with the bags was brutal.

Hopefully I won’t get pulled off the plane for coughing. I did yank down my mask in the long T hallway.

Update: My wife took another cue test at home today, also negative. We got our PCR results tonight: both negative. Looks like the one test was a false positive. Probably some kind of user error (but it’s a very simple system).
To clarify, the cue tests aren’t antigen like most home tests. Not sure what they are, but not antigen. Real-time COVID-19 testing | Cue


Interesting. Better detail here:

I’m really not sure how they amplify nucleic acids at just room temperature (if I’m understanding this right?). Guess there are some clever and creative scientists out there.

Our vaccination nurse told me today that a co-worker in the hospital who is boosted, has over 2000 antibodies and had a 98% neutralisation rate(which is another test you can do, dont know exactly) got Covid now.

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Seems like these NAAT tests are a lot less specific than good old antigen tests. 4 false positives out of 26 total positives.

I’m sorry for your loss.

One of the many bizarre things the pandemic has shown me is that sometimes I feel like I care more about someone else dying than they care themselves.

I’m not really sure what to do with that, but it doesn’t feel great and makes me wonder if I need to try to stop myself from doing that.


I don’t think that choosing to care less about other people is a good strategy for self improvement.


Caring less about what you can’t control is healthy. But then I get angry whenever I see someone turn on Fox News on the plane.

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Sounds like bullshit no one is doing this kind of testing. You’d have to be doing it regularly before you got covid

My college attending son likely has Covid. He takes a test today, but my wife’s nurse mother listened to his cough and said she would be utterly shocked if he doesn’t have it.

Going to make the 2 hour drive today to bring him a care package since the school’s care response is essentially “here is some occasional water, don’t leave this room.” Any suggestions for what to include? I’ve already got Big case of water, gatorade, sprite/ginger ale, thermometer, pulse oximeter, vitamin C, vitamin D3, cough syrup, herbal tea.

Anything I’m missing that you would include? We’ve also said he should avoid going to the hospital unless things get very dire (bad Pulse Ox reading, real struggle to breathe, etc) as there is little they can do for him that staying in and resting/fluidizing wont do.


I’ve had this kind of testing and I’m not even a nurse. At least one other former forum member has had this sort of testing too, as have thousands of olds and HCW (on the regular) across the UK.

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Same. I only have one anti covid-vax relative but that happens to be my mother. She’s already had covid but reinfection is very much a thiing and she seems headstrong in her stupidity despite my and my sister’s best efforts.

Most of them aren’t boosted like my sister and I but they did get the initial vaccine.

You’ve had regular testing of neutralization levels on a regular levels? You sure you read everything correctly?

Food? Sounds like food would be good? Canned soup, a pot, and a hot plate?

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I believe he is still getting 3 squares a day, and being at a culinary school is going to be better than anything I can provide, but Ill check on that and get him some good flu foods as well.

Thanks for the suggestion.