COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

they are but there is a huge shortage - lots of hospitals saying they dont have access yet

What do we think about school closings? Chicago teachers are basically on strike right now.

My wife’s school implemented a policy that if a kid tests positive no one around them will be considered a close contact because they technically have to be wearing a mask. She teaches virtual and has kids coming in once a week (we’ll see).

The teachers also have to use their own sick days if they get covid even if they are vaccinated which is so fucked up. Let them strike IMO.


… and buy the NFT because of course

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Stealing my ideas



I predict a lot of closet tennis fans coming out of the woodwork.




Schools are gonna be chaos with the new COVID policies in place.

Foreign languages involve splitting homeroom classes into smaller groups and in some cases merging two (or more) of those smaller groups into one. However, this will not be permitted if a student from a homeroom class tests positive. They will have to stay together all day. This means some classes will have more than one teacher if a student tests positive for COVID. Seems like total chaos to me.

Personally, I’m just gonna go with the flow tomorrow. I gave in and slept most of the day. It’s 11 PM and I still need more sleep. Hopefully, the melatonin kicks in soon.

I’m opposed to school closings in the sense of “we need to proactively close schools to keep people safe”. I think that schools should continue to be in person with appropriate mitigation procedures in place. If we’re not willing to close down bars, restaurants, or other businesses, I definitely don’t think we should be closing down schools.

If it’s school closings because there aren’t enough teachers/bus drivers/support staff, then sure close them down if you can’t run them.

This whole thing is going to be a clusterfuck. I start teaching next week and, while I’m not concerned about my personal safety, it’s going to be a nightmare dealing with all of the students who are going to be sick and/or quarantined throughout the semester.


While I’d agree that our prioritization is fucked up, the argument of schools should be open because bars, restaurants and other businesses are is illogical. Bad decisions in other sectors doesn’t make bad decisions in schools good.

The reality is that schools are one of the few places where labor is strong enough to demand that their safety is prioritized, and that’s why they’re able to close down.

We’re at 1 million positive give or take right now. I’ve been hearing from my colleagues everywhere that they’re drowning in our hospitals around the nation. The guard is getting called up elsewhere. The only hope is that this disaster crests in different places at different enough times that we can cope.


It’s the spin-off collateral cases that hit the vulnerable and overload the healthcare symptoms that are the cost of schools, sport game attendance etc.

Refusing people entry to the country is what we do for recreational narcissism here, kind of like the bombing and invading countries thing you guys do. Everyone loves this shit.


Biden administration comments today were that there’s no more money coming for anyone and that vaccinated adults should stop being lazy and go to work since the economy is strong.

Last week Biden said schools already have COVID resources and if they fucked that up thats on the states they fucked it up.

Between that and some of the mouthpiece comments I expect they are going to start coming out hard against the unions if the schools don’t open since they have already victory lapped getting kids in school in person.

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I think it would be wise to move school to Spring to Fall for the next several years. Said it last year too because the chance of winter being like this was always pretty high.

Since most don’t actually care about education, they just want the day care and their summer vacations, it won’t happen.

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Yeah that’s a fair point since outdoor alternatives are hard. Wish we had a political party that didn’t fucking suck in this country to help support this or other alternatives.

A nice, easy, much needed PR win for Scomo.

We underestimated Omicron. We can’t keep schools open with reasonable quarantine procedures with reasonable staffing levels. Parents will try to force them to anyway because that’s what they do but good for the Chicago teachers for standing up for themselves.

States do have procedures for this too as previously mentioned. Schools can close now and open on Saturdays in the spring and axe April vacation if they are so insistent that remote learning is a no go. Would be easier with support from the government for people who need to take time now so that the lower income group doesn’t plunge back into recession having already lost their child tax payment credits.