COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I don’t believe in tipping, I believe in overtipping!

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Some wonderful human beings pulling a tip bait and switch on Instacart shoppers:


That’s LA right? Is that legit? Or one of the viral hoax photos going around?

Mine is set to 10% on there and will adjust based on the order total, so if half the stuff is unavailable it’ll come down. I then add an amount in cash when they arrive. People actually bait and switching are enormous assholes. A few are probably broke and desperate, which is a shame for all involved.

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There is currently a debate among experts in German media. One major criticism is the one @LouisCyphre mentioned and the other one is that the tests possibly did not differentiate between antibodies against SARS-Cov2 and other form s if Coronavirus that cause the common cold. I reall would not read too much intonthis story.
Source is in German:


Infections spike aboard US warship

A spike in infections has been reported from a US navy warship, whose captain was removed from command for pleading with his superiors to do more to halt a coronavirus outbreak on board.

In a letter dated 30 March, Capt Brett Crozier of the USS Theodore Roosevelt had urged his superiors to act to prevent US troops dying outside of wartime.

There were at least 100 confirmed infections aboard the ship at the time. But now a report from NPR says that number has climbed to 400, while at least one sailor is in intensive care.

Around 2,700 crew members of the ship have disembarked - a little more than half the total crew.

We’re going to lose a few of these guys and Trump’s going to say something offensive about it and it’s not going to matter at all in November.


No reason to think it’s fake just because the air is clear. There has been very little traffic, it’s been raining a lot, and it’s not that rare to have clear air in LA anymore.

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Welp… After all the talk in this thread about grocery stores an employee at a local grocery store tested positive. Not the one I shop at but I do know someone who works there. :frowning:

New Darwin Winner


More on New York death counts

Thing is, this was always going to happen. I can’t say I know what the alternative is, countries trying to handle this without enforced state directives to isolate don’t seem to get by very long like that, but giving the police a supposedly narrow power which they then ‘abuse’ is the norm.


meanwhile on facebook


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Sorry, I know you’re not a fan of the police. That said, I’d guess it’s their ‘common sense’ that’s leading them to hassle people in their own gardens.


Lol I need more coffee. I read this and I was like “what does Covid have to do with Sting?”


I was in the pub with some friends in Yorkshire one sunny afternoon once, when one of their gf came in looking flustered and announced she’d mistakenly just drank a bottle of bleach (she was known for being a little eccentric, but wtf?).

One of our number quipped “clean round the bend”.

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I know it’s My Blue Heaven but I’ve never seen that, so…