COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

This was my immediate reaction to the article too. Like, the guy didn’t give any reasons for the stuff he was saying, aside from the ridiculous straw man arguments he knocked down. On a larger scale, it really pisses me off that this dude woke up and decided he was going to use his professional credentials to generate a viral tweet chain, and the message he decides needs amplification is “ya’ll are freaking out too much about your COVID prevention measures”. Like, he is straight up mocking some of the completely reasonable questions about food safety practices, while refusing to address rational followups. Thanks for telling me that I shouldn’t keep my ice cream on the porch, asshole - how about my box of corn flakes?

Not that this necessarily means anything, but Mrs. Catface is also a food microbiologist and semi-knows this dude. She doesn’t hold him in very high regard.


Not sure if it was posted in here, but Newsom says he doesn’t expect California’s peak until sometime in May based on unpublished county by county data his team has.

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This seems like a pretty reasonable estimate for most places outside of maybe NY nationwide.

I decided to jump back in for covid. I was curious about the dynamic.

It reminds me a little right now of old 2p2 Politics - back when the normies started to turn the tide against the AC-ists. It’s incredibly obvious to any remotely unbiased sentient human over say age 8 which side has any real arguments and which side is just shitposting.

However P&S has the disadvantage that the shitposters know they are shitposting and are acting 100% in bad faith. The AC-ists actually seemed to believe in their stated cause, bless their hearts. The current P&S pro-Trump crowd’s real cause is racism. Everything else is just bad faith BS.

Except bahbah - he might be dumb enough to actually believe some of the stuff he posts. But joe, kelhaus, whatever new 15 post no-avatar spew machine that apparently the fearless mod is totally cool with - those guys are 100% bad faith trolling - coordinating on discord or gab or wherever.


Yeah we’re doing the slow burn.

The fun thing about leaving a bunch of groceries in the car is it feels like I have another pantry in the garage. Have a craving? Check the trunk! It’s a food bonanza!


For the record, my food microbiologist wife suggested we sanitize groceries. We have been sanitizing fridge/freezer items by wiping down with bleach, and putting our non-perishable items in a spare room for a few days. Washing hands/arms and changing clothes after handling the groceries. Not based on any inside information or specific studies, just generally erring on the safe side.

You can’t foresee every possible interaction you might have with certainty so I would say better safe than sorry.

I just came back from the supermarket and put everything away. I wore a mask in the store and purelled on the way out and washed my hands a couple of times while putting the food away.

If I get sick from some lone cell clinging to a candy bar wrapper than it’s LOL me.


Personally take my Instacart bags off the front porch, bring them inside, empty them into the fridge/pantry/freezer, throw away the bags and wash up real good and scrub down the counter that touched any of the stuff. Then it sits for a few days and I forget about it. Deliveries I bring inside, sit them on the timeout mat for 3 or 4 days, wash up after.

Guess I’m on the lazy end of things. Live in the suburbs of a 500k population area that has ~500 cases.

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Rep. Katie Porter has released a report showing that mask and ventilator exports from the U.S. increased dramatically in early 2020 and that Trump’s promised fed contracts for PPE and ventilators won’t be completed until after the coronavirus peak.


That report is damning as hell. Too bad we are in the nothing matters timeline.

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Hmm maybe no one cares about Rand Paul.


At this rate looks like we hit a million cases in about two weeks. Hopefully the deceleration continues.


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You generally need to be in close contact with a sick person to get infected. Close contact includes:
Being within 6 feet of a sick person with COVID-19 for about 10 minutes,

obviously no idea if this is true but can someone smart explain the 10 minutes? Why 10 minutes and not 5 minutes or 1 minutes?

we’re working from home and the calls are being forwarded through to everyone’s cell phone. They log in and receive a call from a number and they stay connected through that number the entire shift and then when calls come it gets connected. Calls cannot be recorded using this method

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My sister has an autoimmune disease, but it’s not so crazy that I think she’s on serious meds. She never gets sick, but has consequences like rashes, losing hair, other stuff. I assume the hyperactive immune systems that take immune suppressants might be okay because the body naturally fights off everything good and bad and the meds reduce that, but they often don’t get sick in the first place

That’s true, I wonder why they are using such an idiotic method. My GFs work is doing the same thing. I don’t get it.

Gig workers are still not able to apply in PA and from what I understand, any state.